The Luness System in Xaritry | World Anvil
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The Luness System

The Luness System is a binary solar system that has 3 planets orbiting around 2 yellow dwarf stars (Luness Twins). Out of the 3 planets in The Luness System, 2 of the planets can harbor life. This system is a hot spot for vacations and trips, as its habitable planets are very comfortable for life and hence, there are many attractions and vacation spots in the system.   Paradixa, the closest to the suns sits comfortably in the system's Goldilocks zone, which is roughly the distance Earth was to its sun when its sun was still a Yellow Dwarf. Paradixa is classified as a typically large terrestrial planet with moderately high gravity and peaceful winds. The planet's axis is not very tiled, causing it to have spring-like weather all year long. Paradixa has no moons, which creates very peaceful bodies of water. Its land is mainly sandy and orange and its waters are a surreal red color.   Vifu is the colder habitable planet, having intense seasons on it, unlike Paradixa. It is a terrestrial planet slightly smaller than Paradixa and orbits at a faster pace than it. Vifu is also the closest a planet has even been to its neighbor without causing a collision. Vifu has moderately low gravity and wind speeds similar to Paradixa. Also like Paradixa, Vifu has zero moons. Planet 2's water is colored black and its land is colored yellow.   Dafegi is the only planet in The Luness System that is not habitable, but still makes for a nice vacation place for those who enjoy activities only accessible to places of cold weather. Dafegi is a Paradixa-sized gas planet with low gravity and violently powerful winds. Because of the strength of these winds, outdoor activities on Dafegi are somewhat illegal. Like all of the other planets, Dafegi lacks a moon as well but instead has a large meteorite orbiting it. Dafegi is colored pink, orange, and purple.

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