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As the planet closest to the suns of The Aquia System and the only planet that orbits them in a figure 8 pattern, Infinity is an exceptionally famous planet within the Xaritry Galaxy.   Infinity is a planet first discovered by human explorers during their early introduction to easily accessible and fast space travel. The humans set up the first civilization there and called the planet Infinity because its orbit looked much like the symbol known on Earth as the infinity symbol. Since then, many other space-faring civilizations have visited and become citizens there. However, becoming a citizen is much harder than simply visiting because the government set up there has a strict population control policy which requires not only couples to move to the more habitable Anoma if they wish to conceive a child and/or grow their family, but leaves citizenship and visitation request forms on "pending" for what could be years to keep the planet from getting overpopulated with tourists.   Infinity is a roughly Earth-Sized gas planet with moderately high gravity, moderate wind speeds, and blindingly bright and dangerously hot Burning Season. For those unaware, a Burning Season has become a universal term that refers to a specific kind of period in a planet's orbit which only occurs in planets that orbit in a figure 8 pattern in a solar system with more than one sun when the planet is in between the two suns, causing complete and total daylight for a specified period of time. Unlike other seasons, a Burning Season occurs twice a planet's year.   Infinity has no moons because of its Burning Season and hence nights outside of the season are nearly in total darkness.   Infinity's defining colors are brown and red.

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