Jonev in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Jonev (Joe-nehv)

Jonev is the main source of water for those that live in The Qobet System, as nearly the entire planet is made of fresh, surprisingly drinkable water. It is also exceptionally large for a planet with chilly climates. The gravity of the planet is high enough to just barely allow visitors to walk around without protective gear and has decently intense winds. Three moons orbit the planet, which is where the citizens of the planet usually stay.   Settlements on the moons of Jonev are named after the moons themselves; Toona, Southwind, and Sork, and are organized by neighborhoods that govern themselves and distinguish each other by a serial number.   Settlements on Jonev are akin to floating submarines, able to sail across the surface and dive deep into the endless sea of the planet. They are organized and run much like typical spacecraft.   Jonev was named after the human who discovered it. Jonev was a lone expeditionist who traveled all by himself and not only refused to bring any companions with him but discouraged the use of teamwork as well. However, the discovery of Jonev the planet was his only famous discovery. Most other adventures and expeditions ended in failure and eventually caused him to die early and alone from a spacecraft mishap. He was unable to call for help as he was so set on his loner ways he neglected his heavily damaged communications systems.

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