Mushirilli in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Mushirilli (Moo-she-ree-lee)

The largest and furthest planet from The Comodria System, Mushrilli is known as the protector planet by the system's more intelligent inhabitants for its intense gravity.   Mushrilli can be described in only vague ways, as any attempts to see on its surface have so far been not only very few but hardly even successful.   From what is known, it is an uninhabitable freezing wasteland of a terrestrial planet with extremely dense and cold ice covering a little over half of the planet's surface. The texture of the surface also appears to have many caverns running through it, suggesting the intense rocky winds of the planet have a very uneven pattern of strength on the global scale. The winds of the planet also commonly carry pebbles and rocks with them, which has been speculated to be caused by any space debris to make it through the atmosphere and makes an impact on the ground large enough to damage the surface.   It is also brown, tan, and purple in coloration, forming a patch-like pattern.

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