The Comodria System in Xaritry | World Anvil
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The Comodria System (Kom-oh-dree-ah)

The Comodria System is a Solar System with 3 planets orbiting a Red Dwarf sun (Comodria). It has 2 planets hospitable towards life, both of which orbit on the same path in the star's Goldilocks Area on opposite sides, and one uninhabitable planet that serves as the system's protector.   On the furthest orbital ring, Mushirilli is the one uninhabitable planet is a very large terrestrial planet with intensely high gravity. It acts as the system's Jupiter, pulling in a large amount of asteroids. It hosts 1 very unlucky and damaged moon.   On one side of the Goldilocks Ring is the first inhabitable planet, Klambek. A Gas Planet at a size Moderately Larger than Earth's with slightly lesser gravity than Earth's. This planet has 5 moons orbiting it, each with its own gravitational pull. making it a bit of a misshapen shape, much like Earth before its timely demise. Life on Klamek is currently in a stage where many evolutionary species of a large variety developed for the first time, making what humans can compare to a fusion between the Jurassic period and the Cambrian Explosion.   On the opposite side of the Goldilocks Ring is the second inhabitable planet, Kaiu. Unlike its gas twin, this planet is a terrestrial planet of the same size. 4 moons orbit it, causing intense waves in many bodies of water on the surface. Life on this planet is in an evolutionary stage where animals have advanced far enough to develop technology and concepts of philosophy. This species of technology is currently on the brink of a technological renaissance, having just left a technological era similar to that of humanity from the 2020s.

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