Rukijunh in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Rukijunh (Roo-kih-juhn)

Rukijunh is one of the planets in The Qobet System that orbits the entirety of both suns and not just Terra. It is a large terrestrial planet with nearly no gravity, wind, or moons. It is often called a much larger version of Earth's moon and many settlements on there are designed to mimic the old moon structures Humans used to have. You know, for the aesthetic.   Rukijunh is mainly a mining industry, as it is rich in precious metals used in the crafting of important machinery and equipment in the post-modern Galaxy and serves well for the construction of space-faring machinery when combined with other metals to make efficient alloys. It is also known for having many types of layered multicolored rocks, which almost always are pigmented with various variations of blue and white, making the planet look a lovely pastel blue in color.

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