Dhani Blacktree Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Dhani Blacktree (Deh-nee)

A Djinnari treasure hunter from an Outside Realm beyond that which houses Xelestar. Upon finding an entrance to The Feywilds from his home plane, Dhani Blacktree used the homeland of the Sylvari as a pathway to arrive on Xelestar. He can occasionally be seen traveling Xelestar with his Tiefling partner, the wizard Djuna Shakete of Ta-Agal . As a result of his Water Djinnari and Wood Elven Heritage (as well as an affinity for magick related to spirits and dreams), he is often mistaken for a Noctariman.


Dhani Blacktree


Towards Djuna Shakete of Ta-Agal

Djuna Shakete of Ta-Agal


Towards Dhani Blacktree



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