King Asgen of Aspana

The youthful King


Asgen possesses the visage of a remarkably young leader. At the tender age of 20, he exudes an air of poise and maturity beyond his years. His hazel brown eyes reflect both compassion and relaxation. His distinctive feature is his long, flowing white hair, which cascades down his back in an untamed manner, evoking a sense of untamed elegance. The privilege of wearing his hair open is a symbol of his royal status.   In private, Asgen adorns himself in luxurious attire, often opting for fine velvet or green garments, complemented by an assortment of intricate gold jewelry. This regal ensemble signifies his noble lineage and reflects his refined taste. However, during state affairs and official occasions, the young king dons a different ensemble. He combines heavy chainmail armor with a long red gown, a garment that mirrors the colors of Aspana's banner. This attire serves as a visual representation of his commitment to protecting his kingdom and embodying the spirit of his realm.  


Asgen has risen to become the revered King of the Kingdom of Aspana. Widely acknowledged as a benevolent and competent leader, he has assumed the throne at a remarkably young age, displaying remarkable wisdom and maturity beyond his years. In addition to his kingly responsibilities, Asgen is a gifted sorcerer, possessing a remarkable affinity for all arcana air-related. Whether commanding storms of wind and lightning or conjuring mystical mists, his mastery over these ethereal elements is awe-inspiring. Evidencing his dedication to knowledge and learning, Asgen is highly educated, his intellect and understanding reflecting the demands of his role. The circumstances of his ascent to power were marked by tragedy, as his parents met their untimely demise in an undisclosed accident, shaping his path to the throne and imbuing him with a profound sense of responsibility.   While Asgen maintains a marriage, it is a union seldom witnessed by others, lacking the fervor of true love. Despite this, the king harbors a special fondness for animals, displaying a deep and genuine compassion for creatures great and small. His empathy extends beyond his human subjects, as he values the welfare and protection of the animal kingdom, nurturing a special place in his heart for them. Asgen's legacy as King of Aspana is defined by his combination of astute leadership, mystical prowess, and genuine care for the natural world. His reign is marked by prosperity, compassion, and the harmonious interplay between the realms of human civilization and the ethereal forces he commands.
Current Residence
Harbour Capitol of Aspana
On his throne with "Tasken" by his side