Messy & Hames

Beast-tamers & Problem-solvers


Always in uniform, one way or another they compliment each other like apples & Neckgulper. Giant horns they wear proudly, show off their exotic heritage. Like their extravagant hair, they are only ever seen wearing extravagant clothes. One of their monsters always seems to be by their side offering protection.  


Originally being environmental activists, they fought for the freedom of the beasts to save them, until they found something way better to fight for. Money! Using their connection to nature, animals and the arcane, they made a name for themselves around the continent as merciless mercenaries leaving marks by "rescuing" exotic creatures. Double the adventure, double the danger with these two especially since many talk of them double-crossing their employers on a regular basis and then skipping town.

  Through their travels, they managed to create a well-known synonym for themselves as the DetectivesFantastique. Posing as private investigators, they execute their mercenary duties to absolute perfection. Perfection meaning to whenever Hames gets tired or Messy gets pissed during the mission.
Current Status
The most platonic friendship to ever exist
Around 33
Red & Pruple