
The Kings Right Hand


Mykaelis possesses a mesmerizing dragonic appearance that immediately captivates all who behold him. His body is covered in resplendent red scales, gleaming like precious gems in the sunlight, bearing testament to both his draconic heritage and his enduring wisdom. Upon closer inspection, faint but notable scars can be seen etched across his regal frame, hinting at battles and challenges conquered in the course of his long existence. His piercing red eyes, reminiscent of smoldering embers, exude an aura of intensity and knowledge, capable of seeing through the veils of deception with ease. Adorning his noble countenance, majestic horns curve gracefully from his forehead, a symbol of his inherent power and status as a Dragonborn of remarkable distinction. To match his formidable presence and emphasize his role at the king's side, Mykaelis is often seen draped in exquisite and finely tailored robes, each thread intricately woven to reflect his dignified stature. His choice of attire exudes a sense of timeless elegance, mirroring his eternal wisdom and enigmatic aura.  


Mykaelis has been bestowed with the esteemed position of the right hand and closest advisor to the revered king of Aspana for the past three centuries, standing as a paragon of loyalty and counsel.   Fueled by arcane prowess, Mykaelis wields sorcery with extraordinary might, unravelling the fabric of reality itself with every incantation. His command over the mystical arts is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, making him a force to be reckoned with. His very presence commands attention and respect.   Though he maintains a vast network of connections spread far and wide, few have truly unraveled the origins of this enigmatic being. Mykaelis veils himself in an aura of secrecy, shrouding his true self in an air of ambiguity. His elusive nature has given rise to countless rumors and myths that swirl around his existence, adding to the mystique that surrounds him.   Despite his prominent position in the court of Aspana, Mykaelis is known for his reserved and aloof demeanor. Interactions with him are fraught with trepidation, as he remains distant and unapproachable, confiding in only the most trusted confidants.
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