1. Group Prologue and Dark Beginnings

General Summary

Heroes Never Die! ...until they do

A group of five adventurers take a simple job of watching over a military keep for a couple of days. Fort Henderson is an isolated base that has been worn down over time. It sits somewhat near a deep ravine and often gets used for a safe stopping point for military and political officials.
The job is simple: adventerers will watch over the fort in shifts and protect the fort from any stray monsters that may come your way.
A few days pass when on the eve of twilight, a single zombie emerges from the woods. Then another. Then a few more. Suddenly a horde appears. Enough to constitute an emergency. The adventurers hold out against the zombies when suddenly an angel appears to save them, their prayers had been answered.

  A howl fills the air as a pack of werewolves emerge behind the zombies, but they don't rush in. They simply wait. A huge werewolf emerges from the woods and is handed this long, gnarled wooden spear. Its wood looks decayed, symbols on it glow a purple hue, and looking it chills any mortal to the bone.
With the angel looking down on the new threat, assessing the situation, the werewolf doesn't hesitate. He leaps upward, spear in hand, stabs the angel, and drives them back down into the dirt. With a sickening scream that makes any who hear it sick, the angel lies there dead.
Fort Henderson is charged down, werewolves at the front gate, and a surprise vampire woman from inside the fort itself. The adventurers hold off the best they can, but they get picked off one by one, as the fort falls...

And Now...the Beginning

As promised, at the right place and the right time, a black carriage appears and its door opens in front of you. Getting in, you are delivered in front of an enormous stone structure, a spire among many in a barren wasteland devoid of anything beyond these sky-reaching structures. Your skeleton driver reaches his hand to your temple, and the structure in front of you changes slightly: a stairway emerges to a tall archway leading inside it.
Following the hallway inside, you are led to a staircase leading up. Arriving at the next floor, a large group of individuals all seem to be waiting for something. After a while, a large blue man walks out one of the doors and announces you'll be separated into groups and you are to meet with your superiors who will fill you in on matters moving forward.
He calls the names of five others before he moves on to yours and four others. Following his instructions, the group of you depart to meet two individuals: Ezra Beckenworth and Ximena Völ. After introductions, they inform you that one of the first orders of business will be meeting with the ones in charge of everything around here: The Council of the Damned.
Report Date
14 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

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