10. Reporting In Before Heading Out

General Summary

Reporting to the Elites
Ezra makes note that before you continue on your merry way to take one of the adornments he has prepared. All varying jewlrey with a sleek grey color and the appearance of a stylized gem. They are stylized Sending Stones with a one-way limit.
After everyone has gathered, Ezra informs all of them that some members of the Drarcoon are available for you to report your mission upon to. Hastily gathering everyone up, you all move to the Council room. Therein you find it significantly more empty than the last time, with only two of the vampires there. The man who initially gave you the information on your job and the woman who was standing by Olivia's side in the meeting, Aleister and Morgan Drarcoon. Jariah hands over his personal report to Aleister as Morgan chats with the group.
Be Prepared
Afterwards, Ezra (with a slight sigh of relief) informs you of the details of your next mission: a journey to the Crypt of Archinaal. He hands Turin a key of bone with instructions to focus on the key as he descends the stairwell to reach their informant.
The group splits up to handle their own affairs:
  • Jariah reads up on the Crypt of Archinaal from a book obtained from the library
  • Kaylth visits the library and finds books on the affliction of Vampirism and the history of Vamprie families. Also walked up and down the stairs a lot.
  • Turin visits the informant, Vyn'Lal for introductions
  • Yzmir visited Vivian in her workshop for conversation and questions
  • Zeal visits Doctor Lebion on the Nothic's behalf
Report Date
23 May 2022


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