
A devil on the Material Plane who runes a rune shop in the Spire.

Originially hailing from the plane of Cania, she works as a runesmith and magical object creator. She takes great pride in her work and is seemingly is able to accomplish very powerful magic with the proper resources.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Steampunk-like in appearance. She typically wears a tanned brown open long coat with a vest and fancy pants with heavier duty boots. She usually will adorn her neck and wrists with jewelry but nothing too loose.

Specialized Equipment

A sheathed weapon with a heavily curled handle sits on her hip at all times. In addition, various jewelry on her person seems to have small etchings on them.
Current Location
Current Residence
Near-white pupils with lightning blue outlines
Long, sleek, violet colored
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purplish blue skin tone
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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