18. Devilish Eyes and Soon-To-Be Spies

General Summary

Straight Outta Avernus
Having defeated several demons and watched Juiblex pushed back into the portal he came through, the party saw several of Zariel's warriors fly around handling other bouts with demonic slimes. Returning back to camp, they reported what they saw to the Pit Fiend general. Hearing about Juiblex's entrance seemed to weigh on him heavily, but he rewarded you for assistance in this battle.
Part of the group returned to the battlefield to claim some of the bones that were left behind. As a team effort, they were able to retrieve the full bone set of a large Hellsboar that had seemingly been caught in the fight in addition to a few other bones. Meanwhile back at camp, the devil Yzmir had fought and his companions returned from their fight. Glint and his companions shared stories with them before the Raven Squadron prepared for departure. As soon as they made a motion to leave, a whisper entered their head and an infernal door appeared before them.
They returned to the council room to find Severance where they left him. However, the werewolf who stood alongside Raghnall during the Council meeting sat on the stairs of the Lycan side. Arieant, as the group was informed, had joined in watching the group's fight in Avernus. He sat in silence as the events before him transpired. The group eager to be done with Severance leave the Council room. Severance makes one last comment to Zeal before they leave.
The Faceless Lord isn't the only visitor Avernus has had lately. About two weeks prior, the Demigorgon made his appearance on the plane. Something unusual is happening in Baator. Keep your eye on Avernus.
— Severance
Witch Direction Next?
The group returns to their room to find both Ezra and Ximena already there. They congratulated the group on their efforts and told them there was one last job issued to them before their training was officially complete. The town of Arlienn was a town not too far from here that is known for being a relatively peaceful town with a heavy influence from its church of Pelor. However, they've been causing a ruckus with reports of witches in their mix. Most of these claims are unsubstianted except a recent report implies that there might be an actual coven or witch in their mix. The Spire lacks any witch connections so this provides an opportunity: investigate Arlienn and its situation, determine if there are actually any witches in the town, and either convince them to ally with us or exterminate them. However, this must all be done without the notice of the church. They must not make them aware of their nature nor their goals. And the final kicker: this town is not protected by twilight's glow: this is a human town that resides in the sun's light outside of the Dusk Mantle they've resided in this.

Rewards Granted

Granted 50 gold each and any resources they could gather from Avernus.
Report Date
08 Aug 2022


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