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55th Recon

An armoured reconnaissance platoon.



The regiment’s commander is something of a rebel, regarded as ill-disciplined and unpredictable by his peers, but his attitude and his daring make him beloved by his men, who see their leader as one of them, rather than one of “the officers.” So long as he leads, they will follow him anywhere.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear)


Armoured Regiment

Alongside the serried ranks of infantry and the humble lasgun, little is as emblematic of the wars of the Imperial Guard as the armoured might of its tanks. Rugged, resilient, and capable of unleashing staggering amounts of firepower, there is little that can stand before the fury of companies of Leman Russ battle tanks, let alone the terrible and wondrous power of the Baneblade. The crews of these mighty behemoths are justifiably proud of their status, and the accomplishments of their steel charges.

Cost: 4 points

Characteristics: –3 Weapon Skill, +3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)

Starting Talents: Technical Knock

Standard Kit: One Leman Russ battle tank (or variant, at GM’s discretion) per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character.


While all Imperial Guardsmen are faithful to the Emperor, this is more true for some than others. The most zealous adherents to the Imperial Creed see their duty as soldiers of the Imperial Guard not only taking up arms to defend the Imperium, but as part of a holy crusade to cleanse these enemies from the very stars. Such regiments are invariably accompanied by Ministorum priests, preachers, and confessors, these fiery priests exalting the soldiers to ever greater feats in the Emperor’s holy name.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +2 Weapon Skill

Starting Talents: Frenzy and Hatred (Choose one) or Peer (Ecclesiarchy)

Forward Observation

Forward Observers use stealth, speed, and knowledge of navigation and survival to observe the enemy and call in air strikes, orbital bombardment, or artillery barrages. This unit excels in directing indirect fire, and their special load-out helps them ensure their colleagues in the air and behind the lines hit what they are aiming for.

Cost: 4

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1 chameleoline cloak per Player Character, 1 handheld targeter per Player Character, and 2 pict recorders per Squad.


  • One Common item to Best quality
  • Two Pict Recorders per squad
  • One Leman Russ battle tank (or variant, at GM’s discretion) per Squad
  • One Chameleoline Net (Chameleoline Cloak) per tank


Shrine World

In the Imperium of Man, entire worlds are often given over to a single purpose: manufacturing, agriculture, toil, and war, for instance. Just as important to humanity’s survival however, is faith. The Adeptus Ministorum, known also as the Ecclesiarchy, is the church of the Emperor and of all Mankind. Immensely powerful, the Ecclesiarchy stands independent of the Adeptus Terra, although all work for the Imperium has a strong spiritual element, so these separate branches of Imperial power work closely together. Entire worlds, known as shrine worlds, are gifted to the Ecclesiarchy for the furtherance of the Imperial Cult. Shrine worlds vary from planet-sized cemeteries for the final rest of the devout, to massive, continent-spanning temple complexes. Under ancient decree, the Adeptus Ministorum is barred from raising men-under-arms, but many citizens of shrine worlds nonetheless find their place serving the Emperor on the field of battle, in the armies of the Imperial Guard.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to Fellowship, and +3 to Weapon Skill or Willpower

Starting Skills: All shrine world characters start with Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Linguistics (Low Gothic).

Fluency: Characters from Shrine Worlds have been raised amidst the word of the Emperor and the splendours of the Ecclesiarchy. The lives of saints and the verses of creed are as familiar as breathing. Even for people born to such a world who are not blessed enough to be inducted into the ranks of the clergy, being constantly surrounded by hymnals, scripture, and the works of the Ecclesiarchy breeds a familiarity with High Gothic. Shrine-worlders are capable of engaging in any verbal communication or reading of High Gothic that does not require a Skill Test.

Virtuous Ignorance: The citizens of shrine worlds learn many lessons in virtue from the pious sermons and teachings of the Ecclesiarchy. Amongst these is the lesson that ignorance is a virtue not easily disdained by the wise. Heresy, blasphemy, and death are the just rewards of curiosity, for those who look beyond the teachings of the Adeptus Ministorum for knowledge walk a dangerous path. Due to their wise and wilful narrowness of mind, shrine world characters suffer a –10 penalty on all Forbidden Lore Tests.

The Gift of Hate: Shrine-worlders are accustomed to the Ecclesiarchy’s teaching that hatred is amongst the Emperor’s greatest gifts to mankind. Though the priests of the Adeptus Ministorum preach hatred against many various enemies of humanity, often, a particular sermon leaves an indelible impression on a shrine-worlder. Shrine world characters begin with one of the following Hatred Talents of their choice—Heretics, Mutants, or Psykers.

Armour of Faith: Once per session, when a shrine world character gains any number of Corruption Points, the character may spend a Fate Point to instead gain no Corruption Points from that source.

Wounds: Shrine world characters generate their starting wounds normally.

The Few

This regiment is surprisingly small, whether because of its specialist doctrines, its harsh training methods, a dearth of potential soldiers on its founding world, or grievous battlefield losses. Whatever the reason, it continues to operate despite having far fewer soldiers than many other regiments, and thus cannot rely on the brute force tactics for which many great regiments are so renowned. Instead of assaulting in massive, overwhelming waves of soldiers, this regiment’s troopers must strike in smaller units. Each soldier must rely on the competence of close squad mates rather than the raw might of the regiment itself.

Regiment Points: 5

Limited Numbers: When a Squad from this regiment requests reinforcements (to replace fallen Comrades), it must make a Hard (–20) Logistics Test if most of the regiment is actively deployed or an Ordinary (+10) Logistics Test if a significant portion of the regiment is not currently in the field (these Tests already include situational modifiers except those added at the GM’s discretion). If it fails, the regiment simply has no reinforcements it can spare for the Squad, and its members must soldier on until its members can put in another request for troop support.

Military, Army Platoon
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