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99th Cadian Mechanised Infantry

None are entirely certain how many different incarnations of the Cadian 99th Shock Troops have existed across the millennia. The most recent incarnation was raised only a year ago, and were initially intended to join the Margin Crusade, but received orders to reinforce the Spinward Front instead. For all the Guardsmen’s inexperience, they are nonetheless Cadians, and they have trained since they were children to fight for the Imperium.

Colonel Dero Arkat, a thirty-year veteran of the Interior Guard assigned to lead the newly-raised regiment, has worked tirelessly to prepare his men for warfare, and appears to have succeeded thus far, operating as part of a series of rapid assaults against Chaos forces infesting the Periphery and worlds beyond.


Characters belonging to the Cadian 99th Mechanised Infantry gain the following advantages:

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Agility, +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Perception, +3 Willpower.

Starting Aptitudes: Willpower.

Starting Skills: Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface).

Starting Talents: Combat Formation or Double Team, Hatred (Servants of Chaos), Nerves of Steel or Sprint, Rapid Reload.

Bred For War: Cadians possess an entirely justified siege mentality. This is a natural result of daily lives shaped by the need for perpetual vigilance against an enemy that could strike at any time, and the discipline required to respond to that threat swiftly and effectively. Cadians are loyal almost to a fault, and reluctant to disobey orders even with good reason, lacking personal initiative, and becoming inflexible as a result. A Cadian must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to go against the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard.

Hated Enemy: Cadia stands on the edge of the Eye of Terror, within the only stable passage out of the massive Warp Storm, and the Cadians are taught to loathe the forces of the Lost and the Damned that frequently venture forth from the hellish daemon worlds within the Eye. All Cadians have Hatred (Servants of Chaos). However, this hatred is often so strong as to overwhelm reason and sound judgement, and Cadian characters may be required, at the GM’s discretion, to take an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to restrain themselves from attacking without mercy when confronted with Chaos forces.

Wounds: Characters from this regiment generate starting Wounds normally.

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 Good Craftsmanship M36 lasgun and 4 charge packs, autopistol and 2 clips, knife, flak armour, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, dog tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations, gas mask, micro-bead, and a single Chimera Armoured Transport per squad.

Favoured Weapons: Autocannon, grenade launcher.


Creating the Cadian Shock Troopers

The rules listed for the Cadian 99th Mechanised Infantry have been created using the Regiment Creation Rules later in this chapter. The following doctrines have been used: Home World: Fortress World

Commanding Officer: Fixed

Regiment Type: Mechanised Infantry

Doctrines: Close Order Drill, Iron Discipline

Total Cost: 12 points

Military, Army Regiment
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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