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Black Crusade - Character Creation

Generating Characteristics

Characteristics are generated one at a time. For each, roll 2d10 and add the resulting numbers together. Then add a base number to the result to generate the final Characteristic. The base number added to each result depends on whether the character is a Human or a Chaos Space Marine. Human characters add 25 to each result, while Chaos Space Marines add 30. This represents the Chaos Space Marine’s higher innate qualities due to his genetic development. (However, Chaos Space Marine Characters receive less experience to spend at character creation, so don’t worry, things balance out in the end!)

Follow this procedure once for each of the Characteristics until results are compiled for all nine and then fill them in on the character sheet. When recording each Characteristic on the character sheet, remember to write the first digit of the number in the circle. Writing those digits in the circles allows anyone to see the Characteristic Bonus values are at a glance. Note that one or more Characteristics might be further modified by choices that the player chooses to make during the later stages of character creation.

Because these characters have been blessed by the Dark Gods, each player may re-roll any one result of their choosing. Should a player choose to do this, he must keep the new result, even if it is worse than the old one.

The only exception to this is Infamy. Instead of rolling 2d10 and adding 30, characters generate Infamy by rolling 1d5 and adding 19. This can be the Characteristic players choose to reroll. This is covered in more detail on page 304.

Starting Experience

All BLACK CRUSADE characters begin play with starting experience points. These, along with the choices made during the process of the character’s Archetype, help define a character and ensure he is unique.

The amount of starting experience for a Heretic is based primarily on whether the character is a Chaos Space Marine or a Disciple of Chaos (a human character). Chaos Space Marines have less starting experience, while Disciples of Chaos have more. This refl ects the fact that for a “mere” human to survive long enough to obtain power and recognition (in other words, become a player character!), he must have gone through trying experiences.

  • Disciples of Chaos characters in BLACK CRUSADE have 1,000 starting experience to spend.
  • Chaos Space Marine characters in BLACK CRUSADE have 500 starting experience to spend.

Characters can spend as much of this experience as they wish before the game begins (although they may save some or all of it to spend later, if they wish).

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