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Cadian Pattern Kasrkin Carapace

The Cadian Pattern "Kasrkin" Carapace Armour is the standard body armour of the Cadian Shock Troopers' elite Kasrkin Storm Troopers, which completely protects the wearer's body and features a suite of advanced technologies. The helmet is equipped with a rebreather, photo-visor, encrypted micro-bead for Vox communications and a clip attachment to the side for a light source or vid-recorder, whilst the suit itself incorporates an integral Auspex unit accessed via wrist display and attachments for a Grav-Chute. The power for these systems is provided for by a small power pack, equivalent in size and cost to a Lasgun power pack, which allows for a week of continuous use before requiring replacement. While associated with the Fortress World of Cadia, this pattern of Carapace Armour has been adopted by the Departmento Munitorum for use by other Imperial Guard Storm Trooper units from as far away from Cadia as the Calixis Sector.
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