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Catachan 18th Jungle Fighters


The drakebat is an Ogryn-sized, winged, pseudo-reptile that lurks amongst the upper canopy of the equatorial jungles of Catachan, descending from the treetops to ambush and devour unsuspecting prey. The Catachan 18th Light Infantry, famed for their swift ambushes and surprise assaults, took on the name of these beasts, as is a common tradition amongst Catachan regiments. The speed at which the drakebat performs its swooping attacks is echoed by the Catachan 18th’s ability to deploy and execute an ambush with minimal time to prepare.

An uncommonly large regiment, the Drakebats have been divided up into a number of company-strength groups and spread across the Spinward Front warzone, lending their skills to the hostile wilderness of several worlds. Most recently, the Orks in the fungus jungles on Thrax have been the Drakebats’ primary concern, with the Catachans forming part of a task force charged with retaking the world and driving the Orks from it. Before that, they waged war across the dusty plains and frontier towns of Ganf Magna, purging Feral Orks with knife, lasgun, and flamer.

The regiment’s commanding officer is a long-serving soldier in his early sixties, remarkably old for a Catachan, and bearing a wealth of experience that could only have been gained from over forty years at the front lines. Colonel Tiho Anders, referred to as “The Old Man” by his men, is a cunning and resourceful leader, still uncomfortable with outside authorities and justifiably proud of his warriors’ accomplishments. He is distrustful of his superiors, and has long been vocal of his dislike of what he calls the “witless interference of the Commissariat”. This outlook has not endeared him to senior commanders, who only tolerate Anders because of his regiment’s skills.


Characters belonging to the Catachan 18th gain the following advantages:

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Agility, +3 Strength.

Starting Aptitudes: Agility.

Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface), Survival.

Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes or Light Sleeper or Resistance (Poison), Resistance (Fear), Sprint.

Fluency: While Catachans have learned to speak Low Gothic, they do not have time in their violent lives to learn how to read or write the universal language of the Imperium. Because of this, Catachans do not start with the Linguistics (Low Gothic) Skill at creation, although they are still capable of engaging in any verbal communication in Low Gothic that does not require a Skill Test.

Survivalists (Jungle): Catachans have grown up fighting in the lethal jungle of their homeworld, and feel at home on any planet with a similar environment. When operating in jungle terrain, they can re-roll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests.

Wary of Outsiders: Catachans tend to be slow to put their faith in anyone other than themselves and their comrades, and they chafe at the expectations and strictures of more civilised society. They suffer a –10 penalty on all Interaction Skill Tests made in formal surroundings, and similarly impose a –10 penalty on any Interaction Skill Tests made on them by any non-Catachans. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion, if the death worlders are dealing with those who have earned their trust.

Wounds: Characters from this regiment begin play with +2 starting Wounds.

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 Lascarbine and 4 charge packs, 1 Best Craftsmanship sword, 1 knife, flak vest and flak helmet, 3 frag grenades, 2 smoke grenades, uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, dog tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations, stummer, grapnel.

Favoured Weapons: Flamer, heavy bolter.


Creating the Catachan Jungle Fighters

The rules listed for the Catachan 18th “Drakebats” have been created using the Regiment Creation Rules later in this chapter. The following doctrines have been used:

Home World: Death World

Commanding Officer: Maverick

Regiment Type: Light Infantry

Doctrines: Survivalists (Jungle)

Total Cost: 11 points

Military, Army Regiment
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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