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Close Assault Regiment

While comparatively rare compared to other types of infantry regiment, the Imperial Guard does raise and maintain regiments dedicated to close-quarters combat and brutal assaults. Such regiments typically come from technologically primitive worlds, where melee combat is the order of the day, but might also come from the ranks of hive gangs, post-cataclysmic worlds, or anywhere else where the inhabitants display a propensity for melee combat or close-range fire-fights. In some cases, these regiments are equipped with a transport vehicle to get them close to the enemy as quickly as possible while protecting them from enemy fire. Others, particularly those from primitive origins, are instead assigned to warzones that utilise their talents without the need to cross open terrain, such as the depths of hives, the ruins of cities, mining tunnels, or dense jungle.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +3 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Dodge or Parry

Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes

Standard Regimental Kit: One combat shotgun and four reloads or one great weapon or two one-handed low-tech weapons per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, three frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.

Special: At a cost of an additional 2 Regiment Creation points, the regiment can add a Chimera Armoured Transport or other transport vehicle (at the GM’s discretion) per Squad to its Standard Regimental Kit.
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Regiment Type
Generic article | Feb 2, 2024

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