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Regiment Type

Armoured Regiment

Alongside the serried ranks of infantry and the humble lasgun, little is as emblematic of the wars of the Imperial Guard as the armoured might of its tanks. Rugged, resilient, and capable of unleashing staggering amounts of firepower, there is little that can stand before the fury of companies of Leman Russ battle tanks, let alone the terrible and wondrous power of the Baneblade. The crews of these mighty behemoths are justifiably proud of their status, and the accomplishments of their steel charges.
Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: –3 Weapon Skill, +3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Technical Knock
Standard Kit: One Leman Russ battle tank (or variant, at GM’s discretion) per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character.

Artillery Regiment

Artillerymen operate the numerous towed and self-propelled artillery pieces fielded by the Imperial Guard such as the Basilisk, the Medusa Siege Gun, and the Griffon Heavy Mortar Platform. Whether stationed well behind the front lines in a Basilisk battalion or operating in a mortar section in support of an offensive push, Imperial artillery supplies precision, medium and long-range indirect fire in support of infantry and armoured regiments. Artillery units also operate the Guard’s anti-aircraft weapons, including the Hydra flak tank and the Deathstrike missile launcher vehicle. Infantry regiments tend to have somewhat adversarial but nonetheless codependent relationships with the artillery regiments who support them. Even if indirect fire has a tendency to be whimsically inaccurate at times, despite the presence of forward observers and orbital telemetry, most Guardsmen owe their lives at least once to a well timed artillery barrage, and thus treat artillerymen with grudging respect.
Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Bombardier
Standard Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) and four charge packs per Player Character, 1 Basilisk per Squad or 1 mortar per every two Player Characters, 1 pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1 vox-caster per Squad.

Close Assault Regiment

While comparatively rare compared to other types of infantry regiment, the Imperial Guard does raise and maintain regiments dedicated to close-quarters combat and brutal assaults. Such regiments typically come from technologically primitive worlds, where melee combat is the order of the day, but might also come from the ranks of hive gangs, post-cataclysmic worlds, or anywhere else where the inhabitants display a propensity for melee combat or close-range fire-fights. In some cases, these regiments are equipped with a transport vehicle to get them close to the enemy as quickly as possible while protecting them from enemy fire. Others, particularly those from primitive origins, are instead assigned to warzones that utilise their talents without the need to cross open terrain, such as the depths of hives, the ruins of cities, mining tunnels, or dense jungle.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Dodge or Parry
Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes
Standard Regimental Kit: One combat shotgun and four reloads or one great weapon or two one-handed low-tech weapons per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, three frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.
Special: At a cost of an additional 2 Regiment Creation points, the regiment can add a Chimera Armoured Transport or other transport vehicle (at the GM’s discretion) per Squad to its Standard Regimental Kit.

Light Cavalry

Cavalry designed for a variety of different missions involving rapid speed and manoeuvre.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, -3 Willpower
Starting Skills: Survival
Starting Talents: Catfall, Horseman (Custom), Weapon Training (Low-tech, Las)
Standard Kit: 1 mount (as chosen for the regiment), 1 flak jacket, 1 flak helmet, 1 sword, 2 saddle bags, 1 saddle, 1 set of riding tack, 1 las-gun

Heavy Cavalry

Dedicated shock cavalry with the intention of using the speed and power of their charge to crush the opposition.
Cost: 4
Characteristics: +3 Toughness OR Strength, -3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Survival
Starting Talents: Catfall, Horseman (Custom), Weapon Training (Chain, Las)
Standard Kit: 1 mount (as chosen for the regiment), 1 full set of flak armour, 2 saddle bags, 1 saddle, 1 set of riding tack, 1 chainsword, 1 las-pistol

Drop Troops

A rare type of regiment, drop troops are extremely specialised infantry, trained for rapid strikes from airborne transports. Employing grav-chutes and attached Imperial Navy Valkyrie assault carriers to perform raids deep behind enemy lines, drop troops provide an uncommon, but potent resource to generals. Largely regarded by other Imperial Guardsmen as insane for choosing to leap out of a perfectly good aircraft in mid-flight, they are nonetheless required to be daring and courageous to dive into enemy territory, and away from the comfort of supply lines and heavy support. However, their habit of operating alone without support tends to make them somewhat distant and cold to those outside their ranks.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Fellowship
Starting Skills: Operate (Aeronautica)
Starting Talents: Catfall
Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, one grav-chute per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character.

Guerrilla Regiment

These Guardsmen are light infantry units trained in covert warfare tactics and deployed against the Imperium’s enemies as infiltrators, assassins, and saboteurs. Stealthy and dangerous, these soldiers spend much of their time well behind enemy lines carrying out clandestine, top-secret missions behind enemy lines or even on worlds entirely held by foes. They tend to show more initiative and creative thinking in the field than the average Guardsman. Indeed, it is this ability to think on their feet and adapt to quickly changing tactical situations that keeps them alive and allows them to carry out their dangerous missions successfully. Experts at asymmetric warfare, their missions typically include killing or capturing enemy leaders, interrogation, and deep infiltration strikes via grav chute or other aeronautica against enemy installations and infrastructure.
Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Perception, –3 Fellowship
Starting Skill: Stealth
Starting Talents: Ambush
Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) and four charge packs per Player Character, 2 blind grenades per Player Character, 2 stun grenades per Player Character, 2 frag grenades per Player Character.


These Guardsmen are highly trained heavy infantry specialists trained in the use of grenades, grenade launchers, and the other numerous types of deployable explosive devices used by the Imperial Guard. These heavy-hitting soldiers work either in their own units as powerful heavy shock troopers or in mixed infantry units as heavy support troopers, using their heavy weapons to deny areas, defend their comrades, destroy lightly armoured fighting vehicles, and shatter close-packed groups of enemy infantry.
Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, +3 Toughness, –3 Perception.
Starting Skills: Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Bombardier
Standard Kit: 1 auxiliary grenade launcher weapon upgrade per Player Character, 1 additional krak and frag grenade per Player Character, 1 suit of light carapace armour per Player Character, 1 deadspace earpiece per Player Character, 2 grenade launchers per Squad.

Heavy Reconnaissance Regiment

While most regiments dedicated to forward scouting are equipped as normal forward infantry supported by no more than a single Sentinel walker, some rare regiments are formed entirely of soldiers dedicated to piloting and maintaining these light walkers. Though some commanders view such formations as gratuitous use of heavy machinery in the field, the effect of several walkers stomping out of the foliage or across a hilltop at breakneck pace, tearing apart any light vehicles or structures in their path to clear the way for their force’s advance is undeniable.
Cost: 8 points
Characteristics: +6 Agility, –6 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Push the Limit, Tank Hunter
Standard Kit: 1 Sentinel scout walker per Player Character, 1 set of magnoculars per Player Character.


Being used as the linchpin units in many grand strategies, hunter-killer units use light vehicles with deceptively heavy firepower to linger behind the front lines until called upon, then pushing forward quickly to strike down priority targets in support of the rank-and-file. Many hunter-killer units develop a hero mentality from their exploits, dealing the killing blow to enemy after enemy, and so outsiders tend to regard them as glory-seeking mavericks.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Strength
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear)
Standard Kit: One Sentinel Scout Walker or one Hellhound Support Tank (or variant) per Squad.

Light Infantry

Lightly-equipped infantry units are key to the complex tactical manoeuvres required on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Lacking the firepower to effectively fight on the front lines, their talents are better employed in dense terrain, where they can lay ambushes and engage in shortlived skirmishes.
Cost: 2 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Sprint
Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one flak vest and flak helmet per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character.

Line Infantry

The backbone of the Imperial Guard, line infantry form the bulk of every battle line, the core of every assault, and the heart of every defence. The humble, doughty, and loyal infantryman is the subject of countless propaganda picts and inspirational murals across the Imperium. They form the iconic image of the Imperial Guard for most Imperial citizens, and for good reason. It is a rare battlefield that is not graced by the presence of line infantry.
Cost: 2 point
Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Athletics
Starting Talents: Rapid Reload
Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.

Mechanised Infantry

Less common than line infantry, mechanised infantry serve as a fast-moving, hard-hitting force, pairing the utility of infantry with the speed and firepower of armoured vehicles. The availability of Chimera transports is the main limiting factor to the number of mechanised infantry units in any given warzone, and this rarity means that many mechanised infantry regiments are divided into a number of smaller Armoured Fist groups—single squads or platoons—attached to armoured regiments (to provide infantry support) and line infantry regiments (to provide a fast reserve or armoured vanguard).
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Perception
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Rapid Reload
Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character, one Chimera Armoured Transport per Squad.

Mechanised Reconnaissance Regiment

While Sentinel walkers are the favoured vehicle of most reconnaissance regiments, some regiments or squads prefer to give up the all-terrain capabilities of the Sentinel in favour of armour to survive a protracted engagement and the speed to escape it. Salamander Reconnaissance Tanks are swift vehicles based on the reliable Chimera chassis. These open topped vehicles are perfectly suited to reconnaissance work, and have the speed to scout ahead of a formation and return with invaluable intelligence in short order.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Perception, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Awareness
Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes
Standard Regimental Kit: One Salamander Reconnaissance Tank (or variant, at the GM’s discretion) per Squad, and one set of magnoculars per Player Character.

Rapid Reconnaissance Regiment

Most associated with the regiments of Elysia, the Tauros rapid assault vehicle is comparatively rare amongst the Imperial Guard, its use requiring special dispensation from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Regiments able to obtain these vehicles, however, find a dependable and swift vehicle, able to traverse nearly any terrain at speed. It is for these qualities that some reconnaissance regiments favour Tauros over the more common Sentinels. While more limited in what terrain they can negotiate, these vehicles’ speed makes up for the limitation in many environments.
Cost: 8 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Combat Sense or Accelerated Repairs
Standard Regimental Kit: One Tauros rapid assault vehicle and one set of Magnoculars per Player Character. At the GM’s discretion, two Player Characters may exchange their individual vehicles for a single Tauros Venator.

Reconnaissance Regiment

A key part of any war effort, reconnaissance units allow an army to scout out enemy movements and positions, and their keen senses and training allow them to swiftly ambush enemy patrols attempting to do the same. Due to their role, reconnaissance units invariably operate far ahead of army commanders, requiring considerable autonomy and personal initiative, traits that often breed a strong sense of daring and recklessness. For all their typical ill-discipline, reconnaissance units are invaluable assets to any army commander.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Perception, –3 Willpower
Starting Skills: Awareness
Starting Talents: Combat Sense
Standard Kit: One Sentinel Scout Walker or one Chimera Armoured Transport per Squad, and one set of magnoculars per Player Character.

Rough Rider Regiment

While they might seem a strange anachronism in a military force that fields enough firepower both on the ground and in space to annihilate an entire planet, the Imperial Guard’s Rough Riders are as dangerous as any armoured or mechanised regiment. Possessed of a flexibility and speed nearly unrivalled among the numerous regiments of the Guard, different groups of Rough Riders ride a myriad of different beasts, from hardy, war-hardened common horses to lumbering grox to creatures even more exotic like small carnosaurs or winged felines. Rough Riders are typically raised from low technology level feral and feudal worlds where nomadic or cavalry centric societies are the norm, though some, like the Death Riders of Krieg hail from more developed worlds.
Rough Riders are lightly armed and armoured, drilled in close-range combat and anti-armour tactics. They wear light flak armour and carry their unique, multi-purpose hunting lances, laspistols, a handful of grenades, and precious little else. While their mounts grant the troopers great speed and manoeuvrability, they also limit the type and amount of equipment that can be carried in the field.
Due to this, most Rough Riders are accomplished at fieldcraft and survival, able to live, if not comfortably, then at least reasonably off the land in nearly any environment. In theatre, they are deployed as scouts, skirmishers, and guerrilla fighters, in squads of four to nine troopers led by a sergeant. Their mounts allow them to move quickly and stealthily far from Imperial supply lines and through terrain difficult or impossible to cross for heavy mechanised and armoured units. This makes them hard for enemies to counter, and Rough Riders use this to their advantage in their unique hit-and-run style of combat.
Cost: 5 points
Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Ballistic Skill
Starting Skills: Survival
Starting Talents: Catfall
Standard Kit: 1 hunting lance (Main Weapon) per Player Character, 1 laspistol and four charge packs per Player Character, 1 flak jacket and flak helmet per Player Character, 1 riding beast per Player Character (see Mount Profiles on page 138 for some examples), 1 saddle per Player Character, 2 saddlebags per Player Character, 1 set of riding tack (reins, harness, etc) per Player Character.

Salvage and Recovery Regiment

In the battles it wages against the Imperium’s foes, it is unavoidable that the mighty tanks and vehicles of the Imperial Guard fall in battle alongside the soldiers themselves, despite their mighty armour. However, such is the fortitude of the Imperial Guard’s tanks, that they are rarely destroyed outright—such an event occurring only if the enemy is fortunate enough to detonate fuel or ammunition stores with a lucky shot. When a battle tank or even a Chimera transport is left damaged on the field of battle, it is important to recover it as quickly as possible, before errant shots or vindictive enemies damage the wrecked vehicle beyond repair. It is up to the salvage and recovery regiments to perform this task, braving the battlefield to tow the crippled war machines to safety. This allows the Tech-Priest Enginseers to soothe the vehicles’ machine spirits and repair the damage, that they might roar into battle once more.
Cost: 3 points
Characteristics: +3 Intelligence, –3 Strength
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Nerves of Steel or Battlefield Tech-Wright
Standard Regimental Kit: One Atlas recovery tank per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character.

Siege Infantry

Similar to line infantry, siege infantry form a solid mass of troops, specifically trained to serve in protracted sieges. A siege regiment may be deployed in a single location for years at a time, moving only infrequently to a new front line, often only a few hundred metres from the last one. Each line usually consists of newlydug trenches and earthworks, swiftly and precisely excavated by thousands of troopers. It is said that the finest siege regiments can establish a solid defence line with nothing but shovels, flakboard, and sandbags, within half an hour of deployment.
Cost: 2 points
Characteristics: +3 Toughness, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Nerves of Steel
Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and six charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, four empty sandbags and one entrenching tool per Player Character, two frag grenades and two photon flash grenades per Player Character.

Super-Heavy Armoured Regiment

To be entrusted with the care of a hallowed superheavy tank is one of the greatest honours that might befall a squad. Super-heavy armoured regiments are rare in comparison to other types of armoured regiments, and tend to come only from worlds with close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus. While an honour, the duty of shepherding a super-heavy tank comes with great weight of responsibility. These mighty engines of war are no mere vehicles, but divine instruments of Omnissiah’s wrath. The crew of these vehicles must always respect the fearsome machine spirits within. Such regiments must also strive to protect these mighty adamantine beasts from harm; no small feat, seeing as super-heavy tanks such as Baneblades, Stormlords, and Shadowswords are likely to be deployed in the thickest and most dangerous fighting.
Cost: 7 points
Characteristics: –3 Weapon Skill, +3 Willpower
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Technical Knock
Standard Regimental Kit: One Baneblade super-heavy tank (or variant, at the GM’s discretion) per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character.
Regiment TypeCost
Armoured Regiment 4
Artillery Regiment 4
Close Assault Regiment 3
Light Cavalry 3
Heavy Cavalry 4
Drop Troops 3
Guerrilla Regiment 4
Grenadiers 4
Heavy Reconnaissance Regiment 8
Hunter-Killer 3
Light Infantry 2
Line Infantry 2
Mechanised Infantry 3
Rapid Reconnaissance(Tauros) 8
Mechanised Reconnaissance(Salamander) 3
Reconnaissance Regiment 3
Rough Rider Regiment 5
Salvage and Recovery Regiment 3
Siege Infantry 2
Super-Heavy Armoured Regiment 7

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