The Felinids, also known as Homo Sapien Hirsutus, are a recognized strain of Abhuman within the Imperium. They are primarily known as being native the world of Carlos McConnell, however they have been encountered by Kroot mercenaries across the galaxy.
They are known for their cool in the face of the most brutal opposition, and claws the length of a forearm - and are some of the most efficient killers in a militarum regiment. Kroot say they are near indistinguishable from other humans.
They are known for their cool in the face of the most brutal opposition, and claws the length of a forearm - and are some of the most efficient killers in a militarum regiment. Kroot say they are near indistinguishable from other humans.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien Hirsutus
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
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