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Iohanna Iveríz

Iohanna's life has been almost comedically tragic. Born into the fold of a noble family as the youngest daughter of six daughters and five sond upon the hive world of Carlos McConnel, a strange world where Abhumans known as Felinids - humanoids bearing feline traits (to varying aesthetic results) - are not only accepted, but make up the majority of the human population within the hive, Iohanna seemed poised for a life of comfort and luxury. Instead, Iohanna would develop severe schizophrenia at a young age, experiencing vivid hallucinations both visual and auditory as well as frequent breakdowns of character, extreme mood swings and uncontrollable irrationality. For most of her life, Iohanna was not even allowed outside her immediate chambers, locked away from the view of her family's peers as to not bring shame to their corner of the upper hive. Still, she was the daughter of nobility, and such a position comes with many a responsibility. Tirelessly did her family work to find a partner to whom she could be married away, presenting her before possible suitors during her moments of lucidity like a pig to the slaughter. Iohanna herself had no problem with this at the time, wishing only to be of what little service to her family she could be and finally earn their vaunted approval; approval that was more easily earned than expected, as it did not take long at all for thirsting suitors to yearn for her hand in marriage, possessed of beauty as Iohanna was.

Beauty. A word that would come to mean much to Iohanna. Mentally ill, and occasionally lucid enough to realize it, all that Iohanna had was her appearance. Never had she managed to study the arts like her sisters. Never had she managed to learn a trade like her brothers. And never could she even dream of inheriting her parents position, youngest of her siblings such as she was. And so, through madness, visions and voices, did Iohanna focus all that she was into her beauty, enhancing her natural grace with the tools afforded a woman of nobility. Iohanna knew that her husband picked her for that beauty alone. She knew that her parents simply wished to be rid of the burden she was. But she didn't care, so long as she could finally be useful to them. So long as she could be beautiful.

It did not take long for her "husband" to make use of her body. There was no love in their union. He did not care for her, nor would he ever intend see her as his equal. This Iohanna had expected, and accepted. What she had not expected, what she could never have known, was the pain, the pleasure, the passion and madness that the union of flesh would bring her. During that transcendent moment, it seemed to Iohanna as if the world fell in on itself and reformed many times, the sky below her laughing in her face as it crumbled into colours unknown and rearranged into her grasp. She wished to share it, to grant her husband the same cataclysmic climax. And so she did. When the task was done, her husband lay catatonic beside her, and the world guided her to move on. She wandered through the mansion, naked as the day she was born, and shared her visions with all around her, crushing their minds with incomprehensible bliss, the world shaping itself into Iohanna's personal fairy tale.

Three years have passed since Iohanna, guided by an unknown force, escaped into the sewers of her husband's mansion and into the lower hives of Carlos McConnel, though she herself could not tell you the time. There she had become a devotee of Slaanesh, the Chaos God of Excess, having joined a cult of pleasure within those dreaded depths. Living a life of violence and ecstasy that all came to an end when the leader of her cult, a woman(?) by the name of Gloria Esdeth, heard tell of a Black Crusade in the starry skies and brought her cult to join a war against the empire. Iohanna only realized this later, having been trapped in a drug-fuelled stupor at the time by some particularly potent Obscura.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Cat-Like reflexes and agility
  • Able to influence hundred of people at once with her speeches
  • Incredibly Wealthy

Psychic Powers

(Her Psy Rating is 5, which would be equivalent to a Delta-Gamma level psyker in lore)
  • Thought Sending (telepathy with a range of miles)
  • Charming Voice (passively manipulates the minds of those she speaks to, boosting her ability to charm)
  • Compel (she can command someone to perform a simple one word action of any kind, including suicide [though that's easier to resist]
  • Cat-Like Reflexes (passively boosts her evasiveness)
  • Lucky Step (the warp grants her a guiding vision, allowing her to walk calmly through a hail of bullets)
  • Cat's Eyes (grants her enhanced senses. Very few things can hide from Iohanna)
  • Psychic Scream (a direct psyhic attack on someone's brain. Can make target head explode)
  • Leash of Slaanesh (her strongest power, granting her perfect mental control of someone for several seconds)
  • Unnatural Healing (she can psychically heal wounds of herself and others)
  • Mind Probe (she can read minds, down to a person's most private and intimate moments)

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • She once overpowered the will of a greater deamon of Tzeench, banishing it back to the warp. This act sent ripples through the warp.
  • She was the first person to grant Kenni, the lesser chaos god of moths, a physical form and summon him into the materium
  • She bound a Deamonette of Slaanesh into a whip, which now serves her as the Daemon Weapon "Lwbyr Llaethog".
  • She made a cult under her control almost entirely by accident, describing them as her "friends".
  • She converted a Dark Eldar into a cultist of Slaanesh.


Oh, and she synthesises a drug using her bodily fluids well she doesn't, but she has her cult do that


  • Face of Slaanesh (inspires awe in all who see it [fear] and respect from followers of slaanesh)
  • One Thousand and One Senses (unnaturally perceptive)
  • Mark of Slaanesh (bears the mark of Slaanesh on her crotch)
Aligned Organization
Rising Sun (TTRPG) by Master Stew

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