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Multiple Comrades

A Player Character who has multiple Comrades can issue Orders to each one, but can only give the Ranged Volley Order and Close Quarters Order (see page 270–271 of the Only War Core Rulebook) to one Comrade each Turn. Further, he can only issue each Order relating to one of his Specialities or Advanced Specialities (past or present) to one Comrade each Turn. If a Player Character has been temporarily assigned a Comrade for any reason, then he can only issue Generic Orders to that Comrade (see page 270–271 of the Only War Core Rulebook).

Attacks with the Spray and Blast Qualities affect groups of Comrades normally—all Comrades within the area of effect are hit, and those outside are not (see Comrades Being Attacked on page 271 of the Only War Core Rulebook). If an attack is assigned to the Comrades of a Player Character with more than one Comrade because of a roll of doubles (11, 22, 33, etc), randomly determine which Comrade suffers the hit. As usual, the attack should only be assigned to Comrades who could logically be targeted by it (see page 271 of the Only War Core Rulebook).
Profession | Nov 1, 2021

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