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Aptitudes and Equipment

New Aptitudes: Fellowship, Intelligence, Leadership, Social, Toughness, Weapon Skill

New Talents: Either Air of Authority and Combat Formation or Heroic Inspiration.

Specialist Equipment: Best Craftsmanship chainsword or Common Craftsmanship power sword, Best Craftsmanship laspistol or Good Craftsmanship bolt pistol, laud hailer.

Comrade Advances

These are the Advances that the Commander can purchase to enhance the abilities of his Comrade.

Born Leader

Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Commander gains an extra Comrade. He can select this Advance up to 4 times.

Back Them Up!

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Commander assigns any number of his Comrades to assist any number of Player Characters. Until the Commander reassigns these Comrades, each one behaves as though it was the Comrade of the chosen Player Character. For each Comrade assigned to a Player Character by this Order, that Players Character gains an additional +5 bonus to his Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill when using a Ranged Volley or Close Quarters Order (in addition to the bonuses these Orders already grant).

Dig In

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 500 xp
Effect: As part of this order, the Commander must make a Challenging (+0) Command Test. If he succeeds, Comrades scurry to pull makeshift fortifications into place by moving kit packs, sandbags, ration crates, or any other available resources. Until they leave the fortified position, each Player Character gains 2 additional APs of cover and a +10 bonus to Tests to resist the effects of Pinning for each Comrade he has in Cohesion and his Comrades count as benefitting from the Take Cover! Order (see page 271 of the Only War Core Rulebook).

Flank Them!

Type: Sweeping Order (Free Action)
Cost: 500 xp
Effect: As part of this order, the Commander must make a Challenging (+0) Command Test. If he succeeds, Comrades swing wide to support their allies, firing from unexpected angles to pin down their targets in a crossfire. Until the end of the Round, each Player Character imposes a –10 penalty to Dodge and Parry Tests to avoid his attacks for each Comrade he has in Cohesion (to a maximum of –30).

Other Associated professions
Used By
Multiple Comrades
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021
Advanced Specialties
Generic article | Nov 1, 2021

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