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Planet 200


Large: Worlds of this size can range across a vast spectrum of possible types.

Normal Gravity: This Planet’s gravity is roughly Terran Standard.

Orbital Feature: Moon: A true moon is generated as a Planet, using the rules for Planet Creation (see page 19). Under normal circumstances, a moon cannot have a higher Planetary Body than the world around which it orbits. In addition, a moon never generates its own Orbital Features.

Atmosphere: Moderate: Atmospheres in this range produce no ill effects due to lack or overabundance of air, though they can still be Toxic or Corrosive.

Atmosphere Composition: Pure: The atmosphere is entirely safe for humans and most other common life forms to breathe.

Climate: Cold World: Most of this Planet is dangerously cold, but various regions can found with more moderate microclimates. Outside of these sheltered regions, the entire Planet is affected by extreme cold. Tests made to resist the heat generally range from Challenging (+0) to Hard (–20). In some cases, the sheltered regions are also afflicted by extreme cold, but of a less severe degree than the rest of the Planet.

Habitability: Verdant: The Planet has a thriving ecosystem. A variety of species can be found almost anywhere on the Planet.

Number of Territories: 4

Territories Terrain: Fertile Plains, Forest with a Unique Compound, Extreme Temperature Wasteland, Expansive Swamp.


The broad category of Plains applies to grasslands, savannahs, scrublands, and stony plateaus, among stranger things. All such Territories consist of an uninterrupted expanse of flattened ground, but they have little else in common. Many are verdant with native grasses and shrubs, while others harbour only a few tenacious weeds. Variations in the soil, climate, and other conditions can allow for anything from a barren expanse of baked clay, to a lush grazing ground for the local fauna.


A Forest is primarily defined by an abundance of large-scale flora, although they are commonly home to a great many additional species. Tropical forests and jungles, in particular, are known for this kind of diversity. While a number of populations within the Imperium would consider the presence of trees an absolute necessity for a forest, this attitude stems primarily from terraforming and colonisation efforts from the Dark Age of Technology and the ancient times that preceded it. Planets that develop on their own often have forests of tangled vines, enormous mushrooms, fungal mounds, and even stranger things.


In a galaxy where there might not be enough water to fill a Grox trough in a whole system, the presence of marshes and wetlands sometimes seems incredible. However, an abundance of water can be nearly as deadly as its lack, with such areas being a breeding ground for all manner of diseases and toxins. A number of the more infamous worlds of the Calixis Sector, including the death world of Woe, owe much of their reputations to heavy coverage in swampland.


A Wasteland can be a frozen tundra or a scorching ocean of sand dunes, or many other things in between. In all cases, these lands are defined by being inimical to life. They are not merely full of danger, as a Swamp or predatorhaunted Forest might be, but are dangers in themselves. Not even the native flora or fauna can easily live in a Wasteland, where water is scarce, and the very air can be cruel. Wastelands are frequently found in regions of extreme heat or cold. At the GM’s discretion, a Wasteland can have an additional instance of the Extreme Temperature Territory Trait, in addition to whatever it generates randomly.


The soil here is especially fecund, allowing the local flora to thrive and grow particularly abundant and vigorous here. Often times, unique strains of life pop up in such lush environments to take advantage of the particularly nurturing surroundings. Such areas can also make for useful agricultural outposts.

Unique Compound

A strain of local flora that can only be found in this Territory contains a substance of great value. The Planet has an additional Organic Compound Resource, provided by these plants. Its exact nature and Abundance are generated normally (see Resources on page 27).

Extreme Temperature

Extreme heat or cold pervades this Territory. If the Planet already has an inclination towards one extreme, then this Trait imposes an additional –10 penalty on Toughness Tests to endure the elements. Otherwise, resisting the extreme temperatures within the Territory requires a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test, using the rules from Handling Extreme Temperatures on page 23.


The boundaries of this Territory are greatly extended beyond a typical example of its type. While the exact size of any Territory is up to the GM’s discretion, a Territory with this Trait is typically up to half again or more the size of similar regions on the Planet in question.

Location under
Inhabiting Species

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