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Rapid Reconnaissance Regiment

Most associated with the regiments of Elysia, the Tauros rapid assault vehicle is comparatively rare amongst the Imperial Guard, its use requiring special dispensation from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Regiments able to obtain these vehicles, however, find a dependable and swift vehicle, able to traverse nearly any terrain at speed. It is for these qualities that some reconnaissance regiments favour Tauros over the more common Sentinels. While more limited in what terrain they can negotiate, these vehicles’ speed makes up for the limitation in many environments.

Cost: 8 points

Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness

Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use

Starting Talents: Combat Sense or Accelerated Repairs

Standard Regimental Kit: One Tauros rapid assault vehicle and one set of Magnoculars per Player Character. At the GM’s discretion, two Player Characters may exchange their individual vehicles for a single Tauros Venator.
Regiment Type
Generic article | Feb 2, 2024

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