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T'ros, formerly known as Taros (official name - Taros II), is the second of four planets orbiting the star at the centre of the Taros System and is an arid desert world.

T'ros was originally an Imperial mining world called Taros. Supposedly it was found and terraformed by humans during the Dark Age of Technology, creating seas and eco-system where human could survive, a process that took five thousand years. Next time Taros appeared in Imperial archives in M30 after the Age of Strife. Local mankind tribes at this moment were degenerated into a stone-age, savage tribe constituted less then one million people. The mineral wealth of the planet was re-discovered so the colonization started. Local regressed humans were exterminated and over the next 10'000 years population on the planet has steadily grown to the pre-Taros Campaign level of 12 million people.

T'au World/
Formerly Imperial Mining World

Location under
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities

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