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Wg Cdr Hawke

Wing Commander Michael Hawke

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the Administratum 5 Attack wher tragicly Wg. Cdr. Harris LeMay was killed, Flt. Lt. Hawke was promted to Wing Commander and given command of Anser Wing.




The regiment’s commander is something of a rebel, regarded as ill-disciplined and unpredictable by his peers, but his attitude and his daring make him beloved by his men, who see their leader as one of them, rather than one of “the officers.” So long as he leads, they will follow him anywhere.

Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear)

Loose Cannon

This character is always on the edge of behaving in ways that others deem “rash” or “unpredictable” in the name of success, and frequently ignores protocol in his pursuit of results.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Holy Fury (TTRPG) by Cooledcross

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