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XV-15 Stealth Suit

Armour: Head 8, Body 8, Arms 7, Legs 7

Built in Gear: Stealth Field Generator, Burst Cannon, Micro-bead, Scanner.

Stealth Field Generator

The Stealth Suit’s Stealth Field Generator is always in one of two modes—Active or Passive. The mode may be changed as Free Action from one turn to the next.

In Passive Mode, all Tests of any sort to detect the Stealth Suit and any Ballistic Skill Tests to hit the Stealth Suit suffer a –10 penalty (senses other than sight are unaffected). In Active Mode, any sort of Test to detect the Stealth Suit and all Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Tests suffer a –30 penalty (this penalty applies to all senses, including those augmented by auto-senses, scopes, and similar devices). Anyone attempting to locate a Stealth Suit may attempt an Awareness Test (keeping in mind the above penalties). Passing this test by one or more degrees of success will alert the character that his sensors are being interfered with by the Stealth Suit’s systems.

If the test is passed by one or more Degrees of Success, the searcher will be aware of the Stealth Suit’s interference with his sensors, but otherwise he will not detect its effects.
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