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Xenpherra Chronicles on Xenpherra and Beyond


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Many priests of different temples tell all who will listen that Xenpharra is a planet built by the gods for a divine purpose, one that will right the wrongs of the universe. While others swear that it’s just the gods messing around. We’re all just meaningless pawns in their little pointless games. Two moons circle overhead, one is bright white covered in craters as one might expect, while the other smaller, deep purple, moon is shrouded with mystery. Divine, arcane, and primal magic casters expectantly await the coming of a duolunae solstice, when both moons are full simultaneously bolstering their magical prowess. While thieves plan their heist for Nullalunae when defensive enchantments tend to fail, and arcane peacekeepers lose their touch. Whether Xenpharra serves some divine purpose, or is simply an accident, all agree, this high fantasy world is one ripe with beautiful landscapes, mystery, and adventure. The continent of Arcelia finds itself on the Northern hemisphere of Xenpharra, featuring boundless mountains, stretching grasslands, rolling hills, isolated bogs, and expansive cave networks throughout. A vast array of species calls Arcelia home, forming everything from small villages to large cities. With plentiful resources, to farm, mine, and scavenge, some populations work together and thrive while others bicker and struggle fighting for more. Southern Arcelia is claimed by a harsh desert, The Hellcatch Valley, who seems to claim the lives of unprepared wanderers daily, while also supporting a surprising amount of wildlife in its crevasses. Most of those bold enough to make their home here, have joined one of the rivaling gangs and embody a lawless lifestyle, exploiting the many hidden caverns for their arcane crystals, and using them to fuel vehicles that can dominate the landscape, and their enemies. Its central region is home to Runner’s Lake, a massive body of fresh water said to be both magical and cursed. Its rivers flow in all directions to every end of the continent, while its abundant waters supply a persistent storm that’s said to have been around for centuries. Surrounded by small towns and villages on all sides, many species plant their home on the coast of Runner’s Lake. However, its popularity is waning as four of its coastal towns have been struck by elemental meteorites in the past century. May believe this to be a curse of the lake rather than an unlucky coincidence. South of Runner’s Lake is the city of Lionne, who makes its home at the western edge of a large, seemingly gentle, yet slightly active volcano. The occasional lava flow from this gentle giant, spawns occasional wildfires which instead of permanently destroying life, have combined with the frequent rains from Runner’s Lake to the north and created the perfect conditions for a luscious, self-renewing rainforest. Across the north frigid snowfalls sprawl across the continent. Despite this many still call this land their home. Deragonia, a city defying gravity itself, is built on the southern coast of a Fjord, with mountains on all sides. Although its large base level is settled firmly on the ground, entire sections of city and rock floating above, connected to the ground and other floating sections by a tangled network of wrought iron chains. The leaders of Deragonia are deeply religious, claiming this land was once the battle ground of gods and titans. The city makes its fortune as a reliable middleman trading Arcelia’s goods with other continents, taking advantage of the connection between the largest river of Runner’s Lake to the icy, but traversable ocean to the North. The west coast is also referred to as The Sword Coast, rumored to be the exact copy from another world. Luskan, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, and Candlekeep are cities that line its coast from North to South respectively, while the island of Chult, claims the waters of the southwest providing a haven for primitive beasts, and hiding deep dungeons. It is a difficult time for trade for the Sword coast as the Archipelago off their coast is currently ruled by an unlikely alliance of pirate lords and armed their crews with an invention, firearms. Now proving themselves to be as formidable as they are unpredictable. In response, talk is spreading of an alliance forming between the city states of the Sword Coast to attempt to rid themselves of the pirate scourge. To the East, three rivaling cities share a large bay and don’t need any interference from outside forces to prevent progress. Despite having everything they need to thrive; classist politics, corruption, and selfish schemes distract the masses and disguise the truth. As disorder and chaos of ever-changing rules and regulations between tri-cities drive the commoners further into poverty, a handful of politicians, CEOs, and con-men have risen to the top as ultra rich, robber barons, exploiting their system to its fullest potential. Further north to the keen eye, hidden within the many deltas one may stumble upon the isolated tribes of woodland elves, as well as a handful of other lost wanderers that have come to call this wetland their home. With mysterious flora and fauna native to the Feywild, Shadowfell, and Lost Woods also growing in seemingly random places in the delta. These Isolated tribes have more to them than what meets the eye.




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