Thilivern Tarav Character in Xernus | World Anvil
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Thilivern Tarav

Thilivern Tarav

Thilivern is a wandering elf who has traveled all around the world with his companion Skadi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slim silhouette with a honed muscles that are mostly focused on agility

Special abilities

Changes into different colours depending on his mood


Hobbies & Pets


Eladrin elf who lives in Wulvaz

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Wulvaz
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Green or blue
Yellow/green or blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Storms and Rocks

We had arrived in Waterway, the roads were calm and not much noteworthy happened.   After we arrived at our taverns and decided to work for a bit of change we decided to call it a night. When I walked back to The Rising Sun is saw a great storm brewing in the mountains, it looked stationary but growing.   The moment I went to sleep, the wind picked up and slammed the shutters open. This storm is a lot stronger than my initial expectations, and since it is stationary it does not look like a natural storm.   I looked outside the window and and saw 4 objects fall into the mountains,

Burrows, shadows and a fight at sea

The day after the conversation with Bokrug, we noticed a few burrows around his house and the townspeople noticed the last few days shadows in the water. It put me on edge, and didn't know what could create these burrows in the sand or what these shadows in the water could be.   Could it be a manifestation from the nightmares, or is this a remainder from last night events? Whatever it was, we decided to investigate the shadows in the water. We borrowed a small fishersboat from the local fisher and went out to sea.   Once we were far out in the sea we saw the shadows, Bokrug even hit one of the shadows with a paddle wich let to a fight with huge shrimp like creatures. a paddle broke and Bokrug fell into the water. When Bokrug fell into the water, the swarmed him and dragged him away. There was no way we could match their speed, we lost Bokrug in the sea...     When we returned to shore, I was ready to prepare a funeral for Bokrug the next day. This was also a reason to place a shrine dedicated to Melora.   Unexpectedly the very next day Bokrug was back in Wulvaz the next day, I had my doubts if it was really him or that it was my imagination, but soon it was clear that it was really Bokrug. I had not lost a friend that day...   After this whole ordeal, we decided it was best to continue the journey and went to Waterway to prepare for a long trip

A heartfelt conversation

A few days had passed since the return of Bokrug and Jefferey in Wulvaz, the nights became restless as my own meditation was not as calm as it normally is. At this point I had become suspicious of Bokrug and Jefferey because it always happened when they are around. I only need to think about the timing to bring it up because is do want to ask this in private and not set them on a pedestol for them to feel ashamed or afraid.   It was this night were something had happened that was the turning point for my patience with this situation. I woke up from a few hard crashing sounds next door. It was the house of Bokrug.   But as i wanted to leave my house everytime i stepped outside my door I teleported back. I could not leave no matter what i did. a few hours later Bokrug and Jefferey came to my house as Jefferey told me that a strange rift had appeared within the tavern were he slept. But as I still could not leave I told Bokrug an Jefferey to handle it themselves while I figured out my situation. When the morning came i could leave the house and the first thing i did was talk to bokrug as he was the first person i came across.   I asked him if he knew something about the things that keep happening in the evening because it is dangerous for everyone if this keeps up. I promised him i would not judge or scold him, but i want honesty.   And most importantly I want to help him if he needs it.   He admitted that it was because of him, but that he could not talk in detail about it, and i respect that. But he would need to promise me that if he knew how to stop it he would tell me.   I hope that everything is okay with him..

A well earned break

Finally I was home, Wulvaz was in sight. When I left there were only three houses, but now there were nine. My dream to have a thriving city is growing.   I asked Bokrug and Jefferey if they also would like to build their houses here. Bokrug agreed and payed the carpenter and lumberjack for his services, I also wished to move into a house closer to the sea, so while we had our break in Wulvaz our two houses would be build. Since I wanted to help the village with it's grow I also picked up the trade of carpenting, but I am only in the learning phase.   In the four weeks of our break I build a lot of the houses and in my spare time I tried to research about the undead we fought at the Crossroad Bazaar. Bokrug and Jefferey left Wulvaz to do their own thing and earn some money.   I hope they are back before the 20th of Mare.

Let's take a midnight walk

After the battle we decided that we would take a small break from everything we encountered the last few weeks since the moment we started traveling together. We would go to Wulvaz and if they desired they could build their own home, but for now it was for rest.   We traveled to Nimloth and through there alongside Winters Peak. For the last few weeks we had a lot of nightmare's but it did nothing more than that. But for the last couple of days whenever we went to sleep someone would always sleepwalk and it would be difficult to wake them up. There was even a day when all 3 of us would sleepwalk deep into the mountains were we would find a giant stone slab with detailed pictures of 4 dragons.   Still... I hope that the nightmare's do not last long.

An ending with a lot of questions

The day has come, the final day that would decide if we could reclaim the bazaar or if this would be the day that the 3 big city's would lose and the continent could become engulfed with these undead...   As the signal was given to attack I followed the frontline with my two companions, I have come this far and would not dare to stay behind. It would shame me for many years to follow. We fought and supported the armies, but if we made a difference, I do not know.   Eventually I noticed a single opponent within the lines of the enemy and we decided to fight him, even if we could not kill it we could stall it until the rest of the army could help us. But from the moment we engaged the enemy's troops surrounded us and the strong looking undead as if to say that nobody could help us.   In the fight itself we had trouble, we hit him many times more than we could do with a footsoldier but he did not waver, eventually Bokrug was down but I could heal him back up. After a hard-fought battle where we could easily lose our lives if the surrounding enemies would attack us we defeated the opponent.     And the moment he fell to the ground all the other undead around us fell too. Not a single one kept standing, they all died.   Did we defeat the leader? Was he the only one? Did we need to prepare for another invasion?   More than 1 question popped in my head, but I could not find a single answer.   After the battle I met up with the commander from Deladar Morndin and Waterway and made contact with them for the future and the exchange of information but they could not tell me a lot more...

A life changing decision

We had fled for a day when we noticed an army in the distance. Were it allies, enemies or an unknown force? Thankfully my eyes are quite good, so I spotted the banners of Deladar Morndin.   We needed their protection and they could need our information about the approaching army. so jumped on Skadi together with the cleric and rode to the army. When we arrived I spotted the commander and spoke about what happened at the bazaar. He said it was a foolish decision to attack the bazaar without proper preparation and with the experience I had I definitely agreed with him. But he also said that the 3 great city's were preparing for a large scale attack on the bazaar and that our roles were over.   I just could not leave it without a proper closure, so I wanted to go along with the armies, but I could not decide for the others. Almost all of the adventurers decided to leave, of course I invited them all to Wulvas if they had the time. It was a heavy sight to see most of them leave, especially Bryia. I talked to Bokrug and Jefferey if they wanted to continue traveling with me, but both of them were quite dejected because they almost died again. But after a long talk with them and after I told them my view of the world and making decisions they decided to keep traveling.   I was no longer alone.

A heavy loss

The day of the battle had arrived. All of us were standing before the bazaar with heavy hearths and shivering weapons. Especially Bokrug, Jefferey and me, we had never participated in a war like this.   Would we survire, would we drag everyone down? I was scared, but a little bit was excited. I was coming out of my shell that existed of only traveling.   When we entered the bazaar it was empty and quiet so we decided to split up in groups of 3 or 4 and hunt for any enemy that we could find. looking at the signs everyone was supposed to give, we were the first group to find enemies, but a few seconds later other groups found them as well.   Just like the last time we fought these creatures we barely survived, but this time it was only because another group came to our aid. Bokrug and Jefferey were would be dead if not for the cleric, even Skadi was on death's door.   The moment everyone was healed and awake we set out to help the other groups. We hoped that we had taken the largest brunt of the attack since we were the most inexperienced. We were wrong... Some people died and one group was wiped out in it's entirety. I felt guilty to these people, I riled them up for the fight and these were the consequences of my choice.   We decided that it would be best to pick up the dead and leave quickly, we could not take the bazaar back, it was our loss. On the outskirts of the bazaar we rested wile another adventurer scouted back in the bazaar in case we would be followed. Meanwhile we buried our fallen comrades. Nobody seemed to blame me what only made me feel worse, but we found solace in each others grief for that moment.   It was this moment that the adventurer returned to us and shouted about an army of the undead so we left again.   Fleeing like a beaten dog with his tail between his legs...

The calmness before the storm

After we arrived at Deladar Morndin and riled the adventurers and mercenaries up to fight and prepare I went to find the leatherworkings guild to earn some money. I was not poor in comparison to the common people, but you never know when it can come in handy, especially in the next few days. unfortunately I only got to do basic jobs of the lowest tier and did not earn as much as I would have wanted, but it is better than nothing.   When the day arrived that we would leave and everyone met up I was a little disappointed with the turnout, there were so few. Only 15 people including me, could we take them, should I cancel the whole thing and wait for the big city's to do something? I wanted to cancel, but I could not, part of my big speech was to lock myself in a situation that I could not turn back, I was already scared, but the low turnout did not help my feelings.   In the days that we traveled to the Crossroad Bazaar I got to meet a lot of people and their story's, each and everyone was brave and impressive in stature. And there is 1 person who left a strong impression on me, not in the sense of unimaginable strength or great wisdom. But in a sense of beauty and safety. A wood elf with the name of Bryia Woodyn, I would feel calm and not be worried about the coming days. A smile that would make me smile, a voice that could sooth a busy market and a face that would drop jaws.   I thing this is wat humans call "love at first sight", it was always a funny saying whenever I heard it. But I think I understand some of it now.   Alas, the days passed quick when I was with her and soon we arrived at the Crossroad...

A kingdom beneath the mountain

We had arrived in Deladar Morndin. What a view, what a city. I have come here many times and even though I do not like to be underground were there is no skyline, no stars and no representation of my beloved moons. This place still takes my breath away, these dwarfs are craftsmen at heart. I silently hope that some of these master craftsmen would want to live in Wulvaz in the future.   But this was no time for that, we had to make a decision, travel to Andvield or try to find out if we could join an extermination force to reclaim the bazaar. For me it was an easy choice, the bazaar needed to be reclaimed. If not, who knows how far the undead would spread. But the kingdom had not made a decision yet about what it would do, nor had the adventurers guild.   I thought about the situation, but that should not have been necessary, we needed an extermination force now! And what better place than all the mercenary's and adventurers that are here?   I mustered my courage for a speech, I have told many tales and folklores, but I have never given a speech. So I knew I would stumble with my words, but from my many travels in this world I found out something interesting. Everyone wanted to be a hero in their own tales, everyone wanted the world to know them, so why not use that in my speech.   Now let's hope that this works...

The undead Bazaar

As we were traveling for a few days, we would almost arrive at the Crossroad Bazaar. But as we got near we saw smoke and ash at the horizon, there was a fire. This was not a normal fire like a small house where a candle had fallen on a rug, no this fire looked like it could illuminate the whole skyline if it was night. As we got nearer we heard screams and saw people fleeing away from the bazaar, it was clearly at that point that the bazaar was under attack and was overrun.   We kept moving, hoping that the guards and soldiers could stabilize the situation and we could travel through. But we were surprised when we found out that the attackers were the undead we fought before, only a much larger size. The only difference was that they seemed calm, like they were living their own lives and could not be bothered by us as we rode through.   Unfortunately, that was a simple hope that would soon be the greatest mistake we could make as we rode through the bazaar. Two undeads attacked us, and Skadi, Jeffrey and Bokrug would soon be lying on the ground dying. Is was the only one still on my feet and trying to fight, fortunately Skadi always had a shocking recovery and stood up after a few seconds, her vitality keeps me amazed, even after more than 120 years together. together we could finish the fight and kept low waiting for Bokrug and Jeffrey to wake up.   Bokrug had been given a huge scar on his arm in this fight, but thankfully it was nothing more serious. When everyone had woken up, we would sneak back to the carriage and rush towards Deladar Morndin.

A city in the trees

After a few days of travel we saw a barrier on the beach, like a slight shimmering in the air. We did not know what it was but we were tired and our judgement had become clouded. We were not as careful as we should have been, we went straight inside the barrier without checking if it was a safe thing to do.   Luckily for us when we crossed the barrier we were at the edge of some mountain's that I recognized, We were at Winters Peak. I knew the place so I led the party back to civilization, we traveled the day to Nimloth, city of woodelves.   When we arrived we walked straight to the inn "The Laughing Fairy" were we got a warm meal for the first time in days. after the meal we discussed our plans for the future and what we would do. It was pretty clear that the best course of action would be to go to the crossroad bazaar because it was the center of the continent and all our options would be open from that point forth.   We payed for our rooms for the evening and would leave the next morning as escorts for a traveling merchant to make a little money.

An unexpected journey

It had become 5 days since i had boarded the ship, i had met almost everyone on the ship and would laugh everyday and tell story's every night. The problem was the night on the 5th day, we were woken up by a large rumble and panic on the deck of the ship.   When everyone was shocked awake and came looking what had happened, we discovered that we were being attacked by another ship. I don't know if it were pirates or a ship from another enemy but we were overwhelmed by them. We tried to fight back as hard as we could but the ship did sink in the end. All of us were like driftwood in the water and swept away by the rough sea.   When i woke up there was death all around me, i saw a lot of corpses from the crew that i had befriended in the last few days. I was lucky to be alive and my greatest joy was knowing that Skadi was still by my side alive and well.   When i looked around for survivors i noticed that the Bokruk (tortle) and Jeffrey (human) were also alive, just unconscious. We were on a beach close to a forest, i did not know were i was, it could be either continent or an uncharted island.   When Bokruk and Jeffrey had woken up i searched for a landmark and foor to survive while the other two dug a grave for our fallen friends. I had noticed that we were still in Ugathas, probably by the forest in wich lied Tel'dur. So it was a natural thing to travel north back to Mensfield, even though i dreaded the idea of coming back to that place.   While we walked we saw a glimmering in the forest and decided to check it out. It was that moment that we saw the same people or undeads that had attacked Mensfield. We tried to hide, but it did not turn out how we wanted and we had to engage in combat. The combat did not go easy as none of us were proficient in fighting, i even got on the point of being on the verge of death. It was also the moment that Skadi had showed her true form in front of others so openly.   When i woke up i noticed that the fight was over and all of us survived, i thank Skadi for my protection and made a silent quick prayer of thanks to Sehanine. Even though Skadi had showed herself to my friends, they did not ask questions about it, and somewhere is was happy about it because i did not know how to explain it to them.   From that day forward we traveled only on the beach and dared not to venture into the forest.

All on board

It was time to leave my horrible stay behind in mensfield, i could not wait to leave this place. I knew i would want to come back to this new place in a few years, but for now i have had enough of this place.   I boarded the ship "The Clover" after i met the captain named Reia Newberry, she seemed reliable and i had no worries about the trip. But in a few days it seemed like bad luck kept following me.   After i had boarded the ship i met the crew and 2 people who stood out from the rest of the crew. I had met a Tortle who seemed very eager to explore the world and a human who seemed lonely and careful about what the world could offer and show him. They became the best friends i had met in a very long time.

A change in life

Day 1: this was the day my life took a turn from my many years of traveling the world in peace, what was supposed to be a simpel journey from Mensfield to Xevean turned around by a horrible attack of the undead. Even when i took action against them i felt horrible.. I had killed someone or something. It was different from a simple hunting trip for food or fur. It was a fight of life and death with no value. What surprised me even more was that i was extremely calm on the outside, i conversed normally with a guard named Brinn as if nothing bad had happened or if it was the most normal way of life for me.   The only good thing about that day was that i got a free boattrip to Xevean as thanks...


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