Thilivern Tarav | World Anvil

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Thilivern Tarav

Eladrin (City owner)
Soul Binder 11
44 / 44 HP

Eladrin elf who lives in Wulvaz

Campaign & Party

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Sat 4th Sep 2021 01:19

Storms and Rocks

by Thilivern Tarav

We had arrived in Waterway, the roads were calm and not much noteworthy happened.
After we arrived at our taverns and decided to work for a bit of change we decided to call it a night.
When I walked back to The Rising Sun is saw a great storm brewing in the mountains, it looked stationary but growing.
The moment I went to sleep, the wind picked up and slammed the shutters open.
This storm is a lot stronger than my initial expectations, and since it is stationary it does not look like a natural storm.
I looked outside the window and and saw 4 objects fall into the mountains,

The major events and journals in Thilivern's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 36

02:57 pm - 02.09.2023

Session 36

10:15 am - 02.09.2023

Session 35

03:21 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 35

02:52 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 34

02:39 pm - 15.10.2022

Session 34

10:03 am - 15.10.2022

Session 33

03:28 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 33

09:55 am - 27.08.2022

Session 31/32

03:49 pm - 20.08.2022

Session 31/32

09:26 am - 20.08.2022

Session 29/30

02:17 pm - 23.07.2022

Session 29/30

10:03 am - 23.07.2022

Session 28

04:03 pm - 19.03.2022

Session 28

11:00 am - 19.03.2022

Session 27

04:24 pm - 12.03.2022

Session 27

01:16 pm - 12.03.2022

Session 26

04:20 pm - 12.02.2022

Session 26

11:07 am - 12.02.2022

Session 25

03:42 pm - 05.02.2022

Session 25

11:01 am - 05.02.2022

Session 24

03:19 pm - 30.01.2022

Session 24

11:11 am - 30.01.2022

Session 23

03:57 pm - 15.01.2022

Session 23

03:57 pm - 15.01.2022

Session 22

04:44 pm - 08.01.2022

Session 22

04:44 pm - 08.01.2022

Session 21

04:20 pm - 18.12.2021

Session 21

12:12 pm - 18.12.2021

Session 20

05:19 pm - 11.12.2021

Session 20

05:19 pm - 11.12.2021

Session 19

03:47 pm - 04.12.2021

Session 19

03:16 pm - 04.12.2021

Session 18

10:21 pm - 20.11.2021

Session 18

10:36 am - 20.11.2021

Session 17

10:55 pm - 30.10.2021

Session 17

01:59 pm - 30.10.2021

Session 16

11:34 pm - 23.10.2021

Session 16

11:34 pm - 23.10.2021

Session 15

02:24 pm - 25.09.2021

Session 15

10:11 am - 25.09.2021

Session 14

09:56 pm - 11.09.2021

Session 14

10:00 am - 11.09.2021

Session 13

03:25 pm - 04.09.2021

Session 13

10:02 am - 04.09.2021

Session 12

03:06 pm - 21.08.2021

Session 12

10:09 am - 21.08.2021

Session 11

02:30 pm - 07.08.2021

Session 11

02:12 pm - 07.08.2021

Session 10

09:22 pm - 31.07.2021

Session 10

06:52 pm - 31.07.2021

Session 9

01:35 pm - 24.07.2021

Session 8

10:17 am - 24.07.2021

Session 8

09:55 pm - 17.07.2021

Session 8

12:05 pm - 17.07.2021

Session 7

11:08 pm - 19.06.2021

Session 7

10:16 am - 19.06.2021

Session 6

08:28 pm - 10.04.2021

I miss a bath even more now that I am in this run down place. Jefferey really needs to choose cleaner places if he wants to life to an old age.

11:18 am - 10.04.2021

Session 6

10:33 am - 10.04.2021

Private Session: Jefferey

01:30 pm - 09.04.2021

Session 5

08:49 pm - 27.03.2021

Session 5

12:07 pm - 27.03.2021

Session 4

09:34 pm - 06.02.2021

Session 4

12:13 pm - 06.02.2021

Session 3

08:57 pm - 09.01.2021

Session 3

01:17 pm - 09.01.2021

Session 2

03:42 pm - 27.12.2020

My heart keeps pounding at the most beautiful sight near the campfire

12:45 pm - 27.12.2020

Session 2

11:41 am - 27.12.2020

Winter keeps me blue dabba dee dabba die

07:49 pm - 19.12.2020

Duck and run

Kept dodging and running from the enemy till victory

07:38 pm - 19.12.2020

It is confirmed that i do NOT like balls to the face

01:40 pm - 19.12.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Thilivern.

Played by

Other Characters by Amarsht