Empire of XiaYuan Organization in XiaYuan | World Anvil
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Empire of XiaYuan


Emperor Empress Imperial Prince/ss (in order of birth) Duke/Duchess Official Scholar Farmer/Peasant Artisan Merchant

Public Agenda

The Empire of the Phoenix is the home of the Gods. Therefore, they are entitled to every inch of their continent's land and goods. They will defend viciously.


A continent An empire

Demography and Population

The land is separated into Regions, each run by a Magistrate(scholar). Within these regions, Judges uphold the law. Magistrates use tax collectors to keep track of population and produce. Magistrates are allowed to appoint Magisters, whom are then delegated to specific parts of running the region they produce.   Most regions have approximately 100k in adult population. Xianing has closer to 5 million. Children are not counted in the census until they reach the age of 16. Taxes are not collected from anyone under 18, in order to give young adults a chance to get on their feet in their profession.   Average birth rate: 120k children every minute. Average death rate: 120k deaths every minute


The XiaYuan continent has been held by the XiaYuan empire since the dawn of time.

Foreign Relations

The empire is neutral in world conflicts at this time. It is a semi-isolationist police, with the only exception being the Juukin empire. The two countries are in a trade/political agreement to assist one another. The Empire currently has seven princes, all vying for power.

Agriculture & Industry

Steel production, Coal Mining, Ironwork, Hydraulic power (waterwheels), Lumber, Sailing/Fishing/Whaling, Minted Copper, Copper mining, silk, velvet, porcelain, and various textiles, Rice, Wheat, Corn, Millet, Oats, Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Apples, Pears, Peanuts, Sesame, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, and the seeds of the tung tree. Mandarins, Green tea, Jasmine tea, Black Tea, Sugarcane, Sugarbeets, Lotus, Coffee,C

Trade & Transport

Highway system (carts, carriages, palanquins), Sea-trade, sea-transport,


Scholars (basically nobles) educate their children extensively. If they can, rich farmers will educate


Aquaducts (in cities), Sewage(in cities), Road networks, castles/palaces, bridges, locks, town courts/halls, walls, aqueducts, Schools (for the rich), hospitals (in HUGE cities), government-funded Doctors in all other cities/settlements, Postal system (government-funded), Government-funded/monitored banking,


  • XiaYuan Continental Map
  • Siheyuan Layout
    A general layout of a mansion/courtyard house in XiaYuan.  
    • 大门:Front gate, a siheyuan only has one front gate, with scale depending on the status and wealth of its owner. Normally, a richer owner's siheyuan would have a larger front gate with more exquisite ornaments on the wooden door, and almost always protected by two stone lions. In wealthy homes, there would even be a gatekeeper's room next to the gate.
    • 影壁:A spirit screen, also called a spirit wall, is a shield construction that can be either positioned on the outside or the inside of the gate in traditional Chinese architecture. Its function is to protect the front gate.
    • 倒座房:A reverse-facing room, beside the front gate. Since the reverse-facing rooms faced north, with poor lighting, they usually served as servants' rooms.
    • 二门/垂花门:Ermen/Chuihuamen, literally meaning second gate or flower-hung gate in Chinese. This is an inner gate separating the first from the second courtyard. Across from the Ermen are the private quarters of a family. The decorations on the Chuihuamen usually indicate the status of the family head.
    • 厢房:Xiangfang are also called side houses. The Chinese traditionally thought that the eastern xiangfang were better than the western xiangfang in respect of fengshui (invisible forces). The eastern xiangfang are usually used as married sons' accommodation. Western xiangfang are usually unmarried daughters' rooms or kitchens.
    • 正房:The main house of the siheyuan is normally positioned along the north-south and west-east axes. The house faces south and is regarded as the best house in a siheyuan complex, since it has shelter from the wind and also has good lighting. It usually served as elders' accommodation.
    • 耳房:Erfang, literally meaning ears' rooms. They are so called because the two rooms on either side of the main house are like ears. Erfang were used as children's or servants' quarters, and storage or cooking rooms.
    • 后罩房:Houzhaofang only exist in those siheyuan with more than three courtyards. Since the houzhaofang are located at the back of the siheyuan and have private space, they are usually used as unmarried daughters' or female servants' rooms.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire of the Phoenix
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Copper Coins of different sizes. A small copper coin equals 1 coin A medium copper coin equals 100 small coins A large copper coin equals 100 Medium coins/1000 small coins A large Copper coin with a hole in the center equals 100 Large coins/1000Medium coins/10000small coins
Major Imports
Trade agreements with Juukin Empire. They import Pomegranates, Cherries, Raspberries, persimmons, Rice Wine.
Legislative Body
The Scholarship propose Laws to the Dukes, and the Dukes propose these laws to the Emporer. The emperor may make a decision on his own, or leave it to the Imperial Princes (to train them)
Judicial Body
Judges (part of the Scholarship) are assigned to regions, and each region has one judge per 500 counted population.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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