House Umbracowl Organization in Xieon | World Anvil
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House Umbracowl

Demography and Population

The ruling class are the members of House Umbracowl.  The plateau genasi tribe married their chieftain bloodline into the Umbracowl estate to secure his people's future.   Large amount of working class remains Earth Genasi, while the nobility has mixed set of bloodlines.      Most all foreigners are welcome which makes up the remainder of the population in the lower city-state.


The Knights Matrix

Technological Level


Agriculture & Industry

Opal Mining Precious Gems

Trade & Transport

Precious Gems, Opal, Griffins (family lineage)
Alternative Names
House Umbracowl
Formation Type
Leader Title
Family Leader
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy
Opal Beads (native) Coins (accepted)
Major Exports
Precious Gems, Opal
Legislative Body
House of Umbracowl
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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