Le'Baur Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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1st of the Forgehands, Architect of the Barren's Eye where the City of Glass was founded many eons later. Stranded with a group of other beings on the primordial Xieon, he is the first to unlock the power of the shards and grant the name Forgehand. La'Baur forges a romance with Sorid before she took her Risen form and ascendened into the Sun as a maternal Phoenix representing the memories of the lost. La'Baur spent millenia attempting to reach his beloved, going so far to create the arcane mechanism tidally locked the planet as so to continually gaze at her brightness. In time he would forge the Barren's Eye step inside, beaming his essence into the sun itself, instead of being granted with death, his mind would will together the body of an Artificial Phoenix. The two would be the first to rise, but the act of love would charge the sands of the Barrens to current day opening the door Xieon to countless refugees across the multiverse.


Sorid, Eve of the Hollows


Towards Le'Baur



Towards Sorid, Eve of the Hollows

Year of Birth
130100 GFE 131818 Years old
Aligned Organization


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