St. Gufo the Harbinger Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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St. Gufo the Harbinger

A Savior of Freedhiem who gave his life during only to be restored as the new Harbinger avatar. After defeating Mydakash and Czahten, Gufo relocated with Borealix to former Kushling Tree Village to settle down. They ultimately built a sprawling town but also a respected Institute of the Arcane.       1600 BE-Liberation of Freedheim and the Vanquishing of Mydakash   Gufo has spent the a decade attempting to acquire knowledge on where Kraven had been lost to. With your village situated on the Barrens side of the Belt, transport to otherworlds or vice versa were commonplace. However the randomness and ability to control was next to impossible let alone track an individual down. Gufo's only clue to help pinpoint a destination was that there was a massive Aurora storm overhead as the village was being attacked by Hunters.   The decade was met with many dead ends while Gufo honed his skills across the world of Xieon. His adventures would take him to the center of the Barrens to study with the People of Glass who have learned to forge and manipulate the sands of the barrens. In their libraries Gufo came across accounts of transferences during Aurora Storms. Almost all evidence pointed towards a satellite of Xieon, the small moon known as the Pebble. In this study Gufo also discovered that his people's bloodline came by a transference 1000 years ago. In an attempt to save her children from Czahten's genocide, Borealix ushered her personal creations through the gate and to Xieon 1000 years ago. This is weakened Borealix enough for Czahten to defeat and take control of her.   After learning the possible location Gufo had to perform tasks for the People of Glass and acquire the right materials in order to forge a one way ticket to the world. When the conduit was forged and used it sent Gufo through a portal and deposited him on an icey glacial platform at the foot of massive a frozen gate formation. Roaming crews of slavers would apprehend him, although he put up a great fight and brought him to the work camp where he has been working for the last 4 months.   Gufo uses his Primeval Senses passively in this situation, picking up on a familiar sense of a former werewolf companion as a group passes through the camp accompanied by Simbwayne and another guard. As the group would enter the Warden's Estate from a guardhouse entrance, Gufo would watch intuitively. In moments commotion could be heard from the building as Simbwayne would walk out the front door blasting guards in pairs as he descended the steps with his cache of coins.   Outside the Warden Estate, all hell began to break lose as reinforcements rushed towards the building abandoning their oversight of the workers. Just as quickly as the commotion began inside, outside had erupted into a full on revolt camp by camp. The inner main camp however was set a blaze by the guards above.   Gufo would take this time to make a break for the Warden's Estate, helping take out a guard or two. Passing Simbwayne, the Gunslinger Lionman would tell Gufo "Not sure you want to go in there, but when you're done. Tell our new friends to meet me at the Ice Rider camp. " Simbwayne would continue to shoot his way back to his camp as Gufo would make his way up the steps of the Estate coming upon a battle taking place.




Towards St. Gufo the Harbinger


St. Gufo the Harbinger


Towards Borealix


Current Location
1577 BE 1713 BE 136 years old
Circumstances of Death
Moved on to the Verdant to act as Harbinger
Borealix (Partner)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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