The High Cap Abbey Organization in Xieon | World Anvil
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The High Cap Abbey


The five traditions at the High Cap Abbey, the Way of Mercy, Way of Shadow, Way of the Ascendant Dragon, Way of Astral Self, and Way of the Drunken Master, are likely all influenced by the teachings of Dankara and the dragon's wisdom and knowledge. In the late 1690s, Dankara welcomed a sixth tradition in conjuction with the Adexian Cathedral.   The Way of Mercy may focus on compassion and nonviolence, using Dankara's teachings to learn about ways to help others and heal the hurt, possibly through the use of herbs and psychedelics for medicinal purposes.
Character | Apr 20, 2024
Ato Oktane
Character | Apr 21, 2024
  The Way of Shadow, focuses on stealth and deception, using Dankara's teachings to learn about the darker aspects of growth and prosperity, possibly using the dragon's knowledge to manipulate and deceive others for personal gain.
Goobert Oozebourne
Character | Apr 21, 2023
Ogbon Pinehair
Character | Apr 20, 2024
    The Way of the Ascendant Dragon, may focus on harnessing the dragon's power and wisdom to achieve personal growth and ascendancy, possibly through the use of herbs and psychedelics to reach higher levels of consciousness and spiritual development.
Master Cod Rhodos
Character | Apr 21, 2024
Tetra de Menthe
Character | Apr 21, 2024
  The Way of Astral Self, may focus on the connection between the self and the universe, using Dankara's teachings to learn about the astral realm and the connection between the physical and spiritual world, possibly through the use of herbs and psychedelics to reach other dimensions.
Auranor Gufon
Character | May 19, 2024
Signa Northbrite, the True Seer
Character | Apr 20, 2024
  The Way of the Drunken Master, may focus on spontaneity and improvisation, using Dankara's teachings to learn about the unpredictable nature of growth and prosperity, possibly by using herbs and psychedelics to achieve a state of mind that allows for creative thinking and quick decision making.
Labuhn Hoppenhoney
Character | Apr 21, 2024
Whiskey Sourfoot
Character | Apr 21, 2024
  The Way of the Sun Soul is the newest and sixth tradition recognized by Dankara and the High Cap Abbey. The teachings of this tradition are Dankara's philosophy in his study and understanding of Adexian texts.
Ader Alcotton
Character | Mar 24, 2024
Raeli Sundown
Character | Apr 20, 2024
Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Related Ethnicities


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