Hulihan of Valtora Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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Hulihan of Valtora

Born in a Highland village on the west coast of Valtora, Hulihan was taken from his mother at an early age to be trained. This was the fate of many of the children born along the coast over the previous generation. Taken into a barracks high into the mountains, the copper dragonborn would be shunned by his human peers with no comfort coming his masters. This would cause him to be beaten many times in his youth, a few times being left for dead. Each time the beatings would hurt less, and each time the beatings became less onesided. As Hulihan reached puberty he would come into his acid breath, mamming another child during sparring session. This would bring much attention upon him from those in charge, eventually resulting in him being inducted into their monastery.   It would quickly become apparent that Hulihan was much more suited for hand to hand combat and as his fellow soldiers moved into their respective ranks, he too trained in his strengths. His gracious boxing style mixed with other forms and his acidic breath made him a sought after soldier for many missions. Missions he was raised to believe benefited his people and the Highlands overall. Along with his training as Monk of the Highlands he was taught the art of stealth so he could operate as an assassin if need be.     Hulihan would quickly rise through the command, and those who shunned him had begun to respect him. Those who used to beat him became his troops to command in the name of their Highland Lord. They were quick and precise with their attacks and brought many new converts to their cause.     After a few missions led on other 'tribes' he would start to get the feeling this was for plunder and control rather than protection for the other tribes. What he was led to believe was the rightful heirs to the highlands would turn out to be a cult of zealots who worshipped a dark Archfey. Their conquests against the neighboring villages would be to sacrifice and convert rather than to liberate for the good of the country. Anything the cult could do to grant dominion over the land to their Archfey lord they would attempt.   During a routine raid, he was supposed to enter a village and remove the leaders prior to the attack. In a stroke of consciousness and clarity, the targets would successfully explain to him the error of his ways. Hulihan would explain the coming attack plan and offered to help them protect those who couldn’t fight, get away. At daybreak the attack would come as he said, to the Cult’s surprise they were met with prepared forces. The fight was long and bloody, but eventually the Cult pushed through with heavy losses. It was enough of a distraction to get refugees away with Hulihan leading the way.     For a couple weeks the group of refugees travelled through the mountains, some days were better than others. The villagers that were lucky enough not to be picked off by roaming creatures at night, had begun to starve leaving less than 20 alive by the time they reached a town capable of taking them in. When he was sure the refugees were taken care of he quickly boarded the first boat off the continent placing himself in exile.     1690 BE Arrived on Xieon through the Barrens. Found passage to Mydakash where he quickly learned of The High Cap Abbey, offering his skills as a teacher.     1701 BE Assualt on Xieon, Hulian barely surives the attack on Mydakash.     1706 BE Hulihan retires to Allod Lir after getting attached to a Dragoi in the subcity. Acquiring an artifact to breath beneath the waves, he settled in the subcity and began brewing Bubble Brew.


Fiona Allod Lir


Towards Hulihan of Valtora


Hulihan of Valtora


Towards Fiona Allod Lir


Current Location
Year of Birth
1663 BE 55 Years old
Valtoran Highlands
Current Residence
The High Cap Abbey
Aligned Organization


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