Veddlegest "Shimmer Tongue" Teltern Character in Xieon | World Anvil
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Veddlegest "Shimmer Tongue" Teltern

(a.k.a. Ferlix, Velur, Veddlegest)

Born fatherless, Furlix was raised by his mother, Rolywen, a humble lower class gnome who would wait tables at any hiring tavern. At nights she would regale Furlix with stories of his dreamy father, a successful bard who moved from town to town, sending them money from his popular shows. Whether it were the tales from his mother, or the first years of his life being spent in the tavern, the life of a bard always appealed to Furlix.   When he was six years old, he and his mother moved in a with a upper-middle class family, with Rolywen serving as a live-in caretaker and tutor for the children of the family. Things went well for 10 years or so, but Thaddeus Thatch, the head of the household, never approved of his wife accepting parenting help from gnomes. Rolywen grew ill, and Thaddeus seized the opportunity to kick then out of the house, for fear his children might catch the sickness. She did not last long on the street, with Furlix unable to find any work to support them.   After 15 years of wandering, waiting tables like his mother, and trying and failing at being a bard at unpopular taverns, Furlix, now going by Velur, met Xani, a fellow gnome bard who seemed to be doing well enough for himself. A friendship quickly bloomed, and the two began performing together. Velur was enjoying their time together, but quickly noticed the money they were bringing in did not seem like enough to explain Xani's finer clothes, beautiful instruments, and partying lifestyle. Xani, now knowing Velur well enough to trust him, explained that he was also a pickpocket, taking coin and loot from whichever patrons appeared to be the perfect combo of rich and drunk. He had a taste for some of the finer things in life, and would steal enough to support himself on the road (with the occasional shopping spree for new clothes and instruments). Velur went along with this, satiating the chaos that flowed through his veins in a way that didn't seem to really hurt anyone.   Years passed, Velur, now going by Veddlegest, and Xani were nearing the age of 60 when they met 2 more gnome bards on their travels, Och-Ro and Buum.


Mountain Breeze


Towards Veddlegest "Shimmer Tongue" Teltern


Veddlegest "Shimmer Tongue" Teltern


Towards Mountain Breeze



Veddlegest met Mountain Breeze while he was marooned on Odour. They spent some time together as his crew helped defeat the grand warlock, Mephetis.

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
1338 BE 380 Years old
Mountain Breeze (Lover)


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