Character Creation Rules

1. Roll 4d6 drop lowest, 7 times. Throw away the lowest two rolls for an 18. (If your final roll, after your free 18, averages less than 12 you may reroll once. If your second roll also averages less than 12 you may accept it or take the elite array. Once you reroll you may not go back to your previous roll.)   2. Max HP at every level. Never roll, ever.   3. You may take two flaws if they are significant to your character. Each flaw is worth another feat. Flaws can be found[Here] Flaw must be approved by originating DM as being significant to the character.   4. Starting gold is 200gp for everyone at level 1. This is because not everyone has access to the actual books and class gold isn’t SRD material.   5. You may have 1 free regional feat from the list found [Here]   6. You may have 2 free traits from the list found [Here]   7. All newly made characters begin at level 1.   8. A character may not begin working on any crafting until they have had at least their first proper RP session.   9. Sheets are to be hosted on Myth-Weavers. No alternative is deemed acceptable.   10. You may have a maximum of 2 active characters in the game at any time. They may NEVER meet.   11. Races are limited to those found [Here]   12. Classes are limited to those found [Here]   13. Templates are limited to those found Here   14. Keep in mind our entire homebrew found [Here]   Note: Any character retirement perks apply after the above are complete. Retirement perks are being intentionally kept secret so they are not subject of abuse. Only a Loremaster may approve a character's retirement and integration into lore.


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