Ethan Phillips Character in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Ethan Phillips

Ethan Bartholomew Phillips




Ethan Phillips was raise as a proper young pure-blood wizard. That is to say he could read and write well, he was capable of proper dinning etiquette from the age of six. He had perfect posture, could tell you his whole family tree, and he was trained in ballroom dancing. He was raised in the Phillips Manner with both his parents and his younger sister Margaret. When Ethan turned eleven his parents were excited for him to go to Hogwarts and be in Ravenclaw house just as the entire Phillips family and Ethan's mother had been.


Upon arrival to Hogwarts, Ethan was sorted into Hufflepuff house, much to his surprise. For the first time in his life he was exposed to people who did not grow up in the wizarding world. Believing he was better than most the people around him, Ethan refused to make friends in his own house at first and was even caught scuffing at and making fun of muggleborns. Until one second year, named Tonks, overhear and punched him as hard as they could, then proceeded to lecture Ethan on each and every way everything he said about muggleborns was incorrect. Thus began a month long rivalry between the two which ended in them both getting detention for a week. During detention the two bonded and afterwards became inseparable. Tonks had an affinity towards pranks, which Ethan quickly joined in on. Plus Tonks was a metamorphmangeous, so that made for shifting available for all their pranks.


Ethan grew a lot in his first year. His attitude towards muggleborns changed almost instantly once he was friends with Tonks. Tonks showed him muggle music, which was wonderful. Ethan finally had someone to talk to about everything and Tonks was both good at sharing and good at prying information out of people. As Ethan quickly learned, Tonks was gender fluid constantly changing their appearance between gender, though most of the time Tonks chose female. Tonks also managed weaseled out of Ethan the fact that he was gay. She declared they were queer queens and clearly destine to become best friends.


During the winter holiday, Ethan returned to his home. His parents were upset by his house and the new friends he had made. They did not think either was something to be proud of. But all that was nothing compared to when Frenrir Greyback showed up. The werewolf had been on a rampage recently, tracking down pureblood families, like Ethan's, who hadn't joined the Death Eaters during You-Know-Who's reign and choosing a member of the family, usually a child to turn into a werewolf. Frenrir Greyback attacked Ethan and bit him during the full moon, and Ethan transformed into a werewolf for the first time.


The next morning, still bleeding and injured he ran to the one place he knew someone would help him: to his Uncle Damocles Phillips. He had only met Damocles once or twice and Ethan hadn't exactly been pleasant either of those times. Damocles Phillips was the outcast of the family, most thought it was because he was a blood traitor, but in reality it is because he was the great secret of the Phillips family, a half-blood child. But he had sent Ethan a present for Christmas which contained his address and he was a healer. This seemed as good a time as any to make amends.


Damocles (who Ethan learned preferred to be called Liam) took Ethan in immediately, healing his wounds and writing to the school about his situation to find out how Ethan could continue his education (luckily, Ethan wouldn't be the first werewolf to attend Hogwarts). He didn't ask many questions when Ethan asked to say, simply said yes and got to healing his wounds.


When he returned to Hogwarts, his friend Tonks began abrading him with questions about leaving his home. When he refused to answer they took the investigation into their own hands. It was not long before Tonks discovered about Ethan's new sickness. In a misguided attempt to help him divert people from the fact that he was a werewolf, Tonks spread a rumor that he was a vampire instead. Remanence of this rumor remained with Ethan until he graduated.


The summer between his first and second year he met the Legiments family, which were Liam's muggle relative from America. It was the first time Ethan had ever been around muggles for a long period of time. Even stranger he had to pretend to be one, as the Legiments didn't know about magic or wizards. He was quickly claimed by one of the many "cousins", named Evelynn. During the end of the summer, Liam told Ethan that they would be housing Evelynn because her parents were complaining about strange behavior which Liam was sure she was magic. As it turned out she was indeed magical. But her family did not respond well. She moved in with him and Liam, filling up the fourth bedroom of the house (Ethan had two bedrooms, one for sleeping and one for transforming).


Ethan, Evelynn, and Liam grew close as a family, often operating as a strange form of siblings rather than an adult with two children. During Ethan's second year at Hogwarts, Liam was able to develop a potion called Wolfsbane Potion which allowed Ethan to keep his mind while he transformed. This made Ethan significantly less dangerous during the night of the full moon.


Ethan's time at Hogwarts was spent studying and pulling breaks with Tonks. In his fifth year, Ethan was made a prefect. He was told part of his responsibility was to reign in his "wild friend." Where as this goal was not accomplished, Ethan preformed well as a prefect and was made into the Hufflepuff Headboy during his last year at Hogwarts.


Biographical Information

Birthday: 21 June, 1974

Age: 18

Blood Status: Pureblood

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: English

Education: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff

Occupation: Cafè Waiter




Wand Information

Core: Dragon Heartstring





Family Information

Parents (Adopting)


Marcus Belby

Physical Information





Hair Colour:

Dusty Blonde

Eyes Colour:

Crystal Blue

Skin Colour:

Sickly Pale

Height: 6' 4"

Notable Feattures:

  • Various, unfading claw mark scars across his whole body
  • Bite mark scar on his right arm
  • Several moving tatoos, mostly on the left side of his body

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