Damocles Phillips Character in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Damocles Phillips

Damocles Liam Phillips (a.k.a. Liam)


Reputation and Accomplishments


Damocles Phillips, is best known as the creator of Wolfsbane Potion a the age of twenty-two, winning his the Order of Merlin, Second Class. He is a healer at St. Mungo's Hospital where he works in both the Dia Llewelynn and the Poisons and Potions ward. He has a reputation for being loner, however, co-workers at the hospital will tell you that he is a delight to be around, though even they admit they know little about his life.


He is the youngest of his sibling by roughly twenty years. However, the young wizard never seized to preform well in school or even surpass his siblings in the professional world. Out of the three he is the most well known by many wizards. He spent much of his young adult life in America leading many to speculate that the young american girl he later adopted was actually his daughter from a summer romance during his years in Hogwarts. Many said his time in America was to escape the reputation of his family as he did not subscribe to their ideology and was rumored to be a "blood traitor" among many pureblood families.


In addition to the young American girl named Evelynn Phillips, the young potioneer currently takes care of his nephew, Ethan Phillips. Ethan appeared to have run away from home, whether it be for the same ideolofical reasons that severed Damocles from his family or because the Phillips family rejected the boy for being gay.




Liam was born, to no ones surprise, given the large age gap between him and his siblings, as a mistaken. Flavius and Esmeralda Phillips were not what you would call a happy couple and they fought continuously. One night the argument ended with Esmeralda running away for an entire week. During which she had an affair with a man, who she later discovered was a muggle. Determined to keep her mistake a secret Esmeralda went home only to discover she was pregnant. When the child, Damocles Liam Phillips, was born the Flavius Phillips pretended the child was his to uphold the image of his family. But at home the child was barely either of theirs, they were simply responsible for keeping it alive until the age of seventeen. This was the great secret of the Phillips family.


When the boy turned eleven and went to Hogwarts he had his first exposure to simple life pleasures like friends and school work. It was here his friends called first called him by his middle name, Liam, and he since adopted the name. People quickly realized Liam was very different from the rest of the Phillips family, he lacked the initial education the others had. Many thought his parents had simply grown too old for parenting. Several professors were concerned by his inability to read or write. Professor Flitwick, his head of house, set up extra hours for the two of them to learn these schooling basics. Liam's friends helped him with his school reading for the first year and most professors allowed him to give oral recitations of his homework rather than write essays. By his second year at Hogwarts he had learned to read and write well enough to do his own work. No longer greatly hindered Liam's marks began to rise and he became top of his class by fourth year.


At the age of seventeen, Liam was told about his true parentage and began living on his own away from his mother. He finished his education at Hogwarts, graduating in 1981, and went to America to track down his father. Once there, he found a supporting family, though they had no idea his was a wizard. He began his life in America, studying to become a healer. A year later, he returned to England and took a position at St. Mungo's Hospital, following the death of You-Know-Who.


He remained in contact with his father's family, visiting often. When he was twenty-one his nephew, Ethan Phillips, showed up at his door crying, bleeding, and begging for a place to stay. Of course, Liam let him stay. He healed the boy, who informed him, that he had been bitten by a werewolf. Liam made the best accommodations he could for Ethan at Hogwarts and began making arrangements at home as well. He began researching werewolves and found the medicine to be not only lacking, but non-existent.


During the summer he took Ethan to see his family in America. Why visiting Liam was told that his niece, Evelynn, was acting up in class and making up stories about things vanishing or floating around her. Many of the stories her parents told reminded him of immerging magic. He offered to let Evelynn stay with him for the summer, when he tested to see if she was a witch. She showed many signs of magic and was even able to controll a small bit of her magic conciously. Evelynn was thrilled to be a witch, but Liam knew her family would not be as thrilled. It went worse than he thought and she was thrown out of her home. By that fall he had legally adopted both his niece and nephew.


He wanted Evelynn to continue her schooling so she did not have a rough start to school as he had. Additionally, she was an exceptionally smart girl, but he did not want to transfer her school ecperience to a whole new country. Liam then preformed and introcate feat of illegal magic, which linked his house to both England and America, allowing both his new children to continue in their schools.


During the next year, he was able to create a potion that allowed Ethan to keep his mind during his transformations. However, Evelynn was having a rough time transitioning and had been refusing to use magic. Unfortunately, the magic began to eat at her and explode outwards, often breaking or freezing objects around her. She was beginning to become an obscurous, another magical ailment that there was currently no treatment for. Infact, the current treatment of obscurials was to check them into St. Mundgo's Janus Thickey Ward and wait for the obscurous to kill them. Obscurials were not allowed to live a normal life or attend school because people were afraid of the potential harm and unpredictability of their magic. Liam was able to convince Evelynn to try doing magic again. He even got her a wand so she could do magic, though she was untrained and her magic was cured and somewhat dangerous, it seemed to ease her obscurus symptoms. He took to teaching her common household magic and potions.


He considers both Ethan and Evelynn to be his kids. They both came to him looking for a family, but they didn't realize they were giving him the family he never had growing up. He is still researching both werewolves and obscurial hoping to find a cure or ease their symptoms.


Damocles Phillips


Towards Margaret Phillips


Margaret Phillips


Towards Damocles Phillips


Biographical Information

Birthday: 12 December, 1964

Blood Status: Half-blood

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: English

Education: Hogwarts - Ravenclaw

Occupation: Healer and Potioneer


Awards and Honors

Order of Merlin: Second Class


Wand Information

Core: Dittany





Family Infomation

Parents (Adopting)
Nieces and Nephews

Marcus Belby (Nephew)

Margaret Phillips (Niece)


Physicical Appearance

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Crystal Blue

Skin colour: Light

Notable Features:

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