Order of Merlin in xxHarry Potter: The Alternative Universe | World Anvil
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Order of Merlin

The Order of Merlin is an award bestowd upon the great English wizards and witches of each age. The award has three different levels, which each designate the type of achievement of the witch or wizard.

Order of Merlin: First Class

An award given to those who have shown great courage and bravery. In addition, this award is bestowed upon wiards who have show exceptional distinction in their magical abilities. The ribbion for this award is green. The First Class award is can be achieved through both diplomacy and militancy. As such it is often compared to the muggle's bestowal of knighthood or the Nobel peace prize.

Known Recipients

  • Podric Batworthy
  • Albus Dumbledore
  • Tilly Toke (and her family)
  • Norvel Twonk
  • Orbella Nuttley
  • Cottismore Croyne


Order of Merlin: Second Class

The second class award is reserved for those who have made significant advances in magical knowledge. This is often achieved though the creation of spells and potions. It has also been awarded to individuals for advancements in the fields of herbology and magic zoology. The ribbion for this award is purple. It has been compared, once again, to the Muggle's Nobel prize within the sciences.

Known Recipients

  • Newt Scamander


Order of Merlin: Third Class

The third class award for accomplishments in the arts. It has been bestowed upon witches and wizards for literature, music, and the fine arts. The ribbion for this award is white. This award is compared to the Turner Prize or the Carnegie Art Award.

Known Reciepients

  • Gilderoy Lockhart
  • Albert Gibbering Stump

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