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The Neveta (Cathalonese: Nevêta /neˈvɛta/ ,singular Nevêtân; natively Nivaite, sing. Nivêt) are a race of nature spirits inhabiting the forests of northern Cathalon and bordering regions. Like other nature spirits, they play a key role in maintaining the natural ecosystem.   The Forest of the Neveta, as well as the Nevaita (historically Nifaite) region are named for the Neveta.   In northern Cathalon, the word nevêta may refer to nature spirits in general; this article concerns only those which call themselves Nivaite (Neveta).  


The Neveta once inhabited the ancient Magranda Forest. They maintained the balance of the forest and were feared and respected by the ancient people. However, as human empires grew and spirit-mages learned how to better harness their power, humans lost their reverence for the spirits. Humans saw the forest not as sacred land belonging to the spirits, but unclaimed land for them to take (a pattern unfortunately seen in many areas of wilderness). This led to much conflict between humans and spirits, with varying outcomes.   One result is that much of the ancient forest has been lost to human activity. The other is that the remnant forests have especially high populations of nature spirits, as the Neveta who lived in the now-deforested areas were forced to take refuge in the remaining forests.  

Relationship with humans

Generally speaking, the relationship between Neveta and humans is one of mutual fear (and, at times, antagonism). The Neveta fear humans because humans have taken much of their ancient homeland, humans because the Neveta are fiercely protective of what remains of their territory.   Nevertheless, the two can and do live in harmony, though it's imperative that humans respect the Neveta and their land. The village of Nevesi in the Forest of the Neveta is an example of a place where human settlement is tolerated by the Neveta; however, the political balance between the two groups is delicate.
Encompassed species


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