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Farkasz grew up in small forgotten village close to Liberty Lake. Being raised in a part of the contient where several cultures collide made him realize that all of them were at their core far more similar than they were willing to admit. People from all corners just wanted to live in security and give their families a chance to prosper - but also that those in power were often driven by an insatiable hunger for more power.

Farkasz learned how to survive in nature and turned it into a profession by protecting travelers. One day he was hired to escort a priest of Iiudash to Rykthaven, which opened up a new world of work opportunities: Now he is working mostly from Rykthaven, helping local authorities by taking up contracts to investigate and hunt down monsters.

After several years in the city he established a reputation for being honest and willing to help those that need protection even if the money doesn't add up. Many of the simple folk have a place by the fire and a warm meal for him should he ever fall on hard times.   In 431 YoU he was contacted by Adelberg van Kymden as the priest needed help to deal with some slavers. Together with Borys and Tjorn they raided a warehouse and liberate three young human children and a half-orc. Adelberg and Farkasz brought the humans to the churches safehouse to treat the traumatised kids. Sadly the two younger died as all three were sick with a strange disease. Only the oldest, Bloddwyn Bluainach, survived. The kid already made a mark for himself as he managed to grab a hand crossbow from a killed captor and shoot a second during the raid where Farkasz found him. The half-orc, Yandrak, on the other hand was of no intress to the church so it was up to Farkasz to keep an eye on him. Not being able to take care of him Farkasz put him into the care of the cityguard, just checking every now and then as the little rascal turned into a proper guard.   After Bloddwyn recovered the church started to educate him and he showed disciplin by being a good student. After a while Adelberg approached Farkasz again asking for help training the kid in martial skills. Bloddwyn quickly endeared himself to the mercenary as he showed the same eagerness to his weapon training as to his studies. Even after all he went through he displayed to have his heart in the right place wanting to help the city and find his tiefling friend.   As years passed by Farkasz even took the younglin on a mission for the church of Iiudash to claim the bodies of some sailors who were dropped into the sea by a ship in the bay. Bloddwyn had already shown promise by saving a woman from drowners in the cities harbour, so Farkasz took the chance to search for the bodies in a swamp that was known to be infested by these beasts. Though they were forced to retreat by a large swarm of these monsters they returned together with his good friend Iiudash priest Olric Fireheart the next day and successfully recovered the bodies of the captain and a sailor.   Farkasz soon after finished the training of the kid as Adelberg deemed it to be completed, but the two stayed friends. Together with Olric they also confrontated the presumed 'dryads' of Ludwig's Folley as Bloddwyn uncovered the truth. The trio fought the green hag covent that hid there and killed two of the three sisters.   Later Farkasz was again asked by Adelberg to train new recruits that the church had brought to the city.   Bloddwyn's relationship with his benefactor Adelberg turned sour as the youngling investaged what happened to his tiefiling friend Jhessalia, who turned up at the side of Obus Beq. Bloddwyn found letters that implicated that Adelberg used Farkasz and the other two mercenaries to cover the fact that he had ordered those children to be brought to the city.   When Bloddwyn later asked for help to free his tiefling friend from the Reaver compound Farkasz again joined the young monster hunters side and fought against the terrifying Reaver guards holding them off long enough for Bloddwyn to free his friend Jhessalia from the grips of a chain devil. Still this night turned into a disaster as Olric sacrificed himself to distract additional guards that cornered and killed him. Bloddwyn, Bernard, Yandrak and Jhessa were seen by a bunch of witnesses leaving the burning compound as Bloddwyn convinced the masses that he freed a demon that the Reavers were holding as captive.   Bloddwyn and his friends were forced to leave the city, but Farkasz could stay behind to make sure he could help them come back one day.   A couple of weeks later he was tasked by the Alchemist to deliver a letter to the church of Caldis in Eversted, but also the crossbow builder Marcel Lichtenstenn took the chance ask him to deliver a crossbow to Bloddwyn in Eversted. Farkasz chased after Bloddwyn and his companions to discover that they had already left Eversted chased by the city guard as the Alchemist lured him into a trap disclosing to the church of Caldis that he and his friends had killed Adelberg van Kymden, high priest of Caldis in Rykthaven.   Several days later Farkasz finally caught up with the group and was able to deliver the crossbow and warnings to his young friend. Wishing him good luck on his search for knowledge about demons and devils Farkasz parted ways with them and returned back to Rykthaven. Still loyal to Bloddwyn he stayed as eyes and ears against all the boy's foes to be ready for Bloddwyn's return.   Even though Farkasz had managed to stay out of trouble, Pryna, the last of the green hag sisters, picked him out for revenge. Her previous attempts to make Olric miserable to trick him into suicide failed and Bloddwyn was out of reach, but the mercenary was still in Rykthaven. She decided to not kill him and instead just to mutilate him. Luring him into a trap she was able to burn his eyes with acid taking his sight. Wounded but far from broken Farkasz continued and adapted to his new limitation.   Together with the church of Iiudash he stood vigilant. High priestess Saskia even blessed his sword with the ashes of his dead friend Olric. Infused with the rightous rage of Olric this blade brought justice to any fiend daring to challenge the warrior.   Once Bloddwyn returned to the city in 438 YoU Farkasz once again stood by the side of the now expert monster hunter. Together they fought in the Cleansing to liberate the city of the cult of the Nameless. During the Cleansing he also saved Kiran Duchta, Ysolde van Sperr and Rudigaer Splinterbane who were nearly killed by cultists of the Nameless One.     In 442 YoU Bloddwyn suggested to travel with Farkasz to the Kingdom of the Phoenix on a diplomatic mission, but as well to find a priest that would be able to restore Farkasz's eyesight. Yet before they would embark on their trip they wanted to finally kill Obus Beq who they expected to be hidding in his mansion for several years.   As the blood hunters distracted demons on the path to the mansion Bloddwyn, Farkasz, Yandrak, Bernard and Jhessalia made a push that was confronted by those fiends not chasing the distraction. Surprised by Bulezau charging into their flank Yandrak and Farkasz held off the attack while Bloddwyn and the others tried to finish them off before Plaguebearers would reach them. Taking the burnt from the initial charge Farkasz still managed to swing Olric's Vengance cutting through the smaller bulezau with ease taking the momentum to deliver a devastating blow into one of the Plaguebearers supported by divine energy. Yet even as Farkasz pulled his sword from the carcas of the large fiend the party could hear the droning from two approaching chasmes.   Ready to take the fiend on Farkasz - bloodied by the previous fight - managed to land a strong blow before being pierced by the otherworldly proboscis. Farkasz's resistency quickly faded as his lifeforce was consumed by the demon. Even as his friends overcame the demons there was nothing to be done for the old mentor.
Current Location
388 Y.o.U. 442 Y.o.U. 54 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a Chasme's proboscis.
Place of Death
North of Rykthaven.

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