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Rykthaven was the first human city founded that wasn't build on the previous slave settlements or ontop of the ruins of a elven settlement. It's founding dates back to Nanamir II in an attempt to coloinze the northern marshland and establish a save harbour for expeditions further north and as a trading center.   The first settlers encountered a lot more hostile nature than they expected and the king recruited morskani from the clans and sea towns due to their toughness build up by fighting nature. Still even the hardened morskani settlers had a hard time in the marshland. With a lot of effort they managed over time to secure a small harbour town. The King kept forcing trade to go north through it and also quickly enjoyed the fruit of his investment as the new town started trading relationships with gnomes from Gnomenheimen.   As trade kept increasing the town kept growing becoming the most important connection to the northern part of the Bloodsea, dwarfs and gnomes. With its growth it also started to threaten Rafalqour's position as most wealthy part of the realm, putting the two cities at first into a rivally that later turned into an alliance against Eversted's interests.   The wealth and distance to the capital attracted a lot of opportunists striving to increase their own power or mages that were looking for a place for their experiments away from the Acadamy's supervision. The city's size only stop expanding as during an extremely cold winter it was besieged by frost giants. An occurance that would repeat itself a handful of times over the centuries. Before that the regular dangers from the marshes and swamps were kept at bay and everyone thought that nothing would stop the growth, but the giants carved a bloody path of destruction through the city and were only stopped once the royal army came to liberate the conquered settlement.   Since the first giants' incursion the city was protected by high walls and towers. Most of the city's growth happened within the walls. After the town expansion to the northern shore of the river the city wall was extended to give enough space for settlers. Yet many feared that the northern shore was more vulnerable the giants' attack so only poorer folk moved there, while the southern part of town started to burst with settlers. This also got worse as a wildfire spread through one of the northern districts destroying it completely with hundreds of victims dying in the fire. As a result the interest in the southern district rose the costs of living to the point that 'Shadow Town' was build along the south-western wall of the city with people thinking that the wall would still give them enough proctection in case of a siege.   In other attempts to expand the city a welathly merchant called Ludvig tried to create a village south of the city. It was placed in a swamp and he argued that it would be too hidden for the giants to find it, who anyway's would be busy fighting Rykthaven. But this failed settlement became known as Ludwig's Folley as it placements might have protected it from giants, but not from the monsters from the swamp itself.
With the city bursting along the coast itself the smaller settlements Murky Waters and Smelly Burrows were built by people desparate enough to renounce the proctection of the city wall. The demand for food had also citizens spread into what would become known as the Dark Fields and Turry Fields. The last expansion was the result of a halfing clan settling south of the city in what would become Bradingburgh's Lot - a mostly halfing slum.
  Rykthaven gained independence from the Realm of the Middle during its rebellion where they supported Rafalquor's. The rebellion didn't last long and had a quickly peace treaty where Rykthaven's independence was accepted by the crown that focused its forces on Rafalquor.
        On the Night of Demons in 436 YoU blood was spilled in the streets of the city as cults of the Nameless One and Haradim spread chaos until they were brutally put down.   Later that year further unrest spread with sighting of demons, the murder high priest Adelberg van Kymden and the compound of city counilor Milosz was attacked. The situation worsened further as cultists of the Nameless settled in the norther districts of town, which later lead to the 'Cleansing' of 438 YoU where the city guard and volunteers purged the city of those.


60% humans, 10% dwarfs, 5% gnomes, 5% halflings, 5% halfelves, 5%half-orcs


The city is ruled by a council of 5 elected officials.  
Elections are held every 4 years with 'counters' going from door to door collecting the balotts. Everyone who pays 5 gold can cast a vote.

Industry & Trade

Rykthaven is the center of trade in the north and the most important route for the Realm of the Middle to reach the traderoutes to the Bloodsea. It also connects the Realm with Gnomenheimen.

A significant part of the cities wealth comes from money lending and insuring cargo shipments. The local families have connections to pirate fleetes that protect the ships that trade through Rykthaven.


Rykthaven has the largest and most developed harbour of the northern coast.

Guilds and Factions

There are several guilds through out the city. Most powerful faction are the Wyllfjords who controll shipping insurance and money lending.   Obus Beq is a wealthly merchant lord that gets constantly elected to the city council although despised by most people.   The Slayers on the other hand were the most well known monster hunter guild in the city. Later though they lost a lot of reputation as they proved uneffective against fiends and undead that spread from 436 YoU.   The Blood Hunters established themselves from 436 YoU on as a special organisation attached to the Caldis church.   The Honorable Gentlemen were a gang that became notorious in the 430is in the merchant districts consisting only of human males.   The Guard was established by dwarfs, halfings and gnomes to defend Small Town against the Honorable Gentlemen.   Several cults appeared in and around the city over the years.   There were rumors about a thieves guild, but no convincing evidences were found to prove it.

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