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Hereford, First Sword of the Farlands

Hereford was an experienced mercenary from the Realm of the Middle who often served along its army. In 437 YoU he joined the campaign from the Heartlands marching towards the Far Lands to fight against the Goblinoid Invasion of 436 YoU.   Being a friendly and easy approchable personality he could often be found surrounded by other soldiers. While he enjoyed sharing a drink with them, he was professional enough to never drink to the point of effecting his fighting abilities. He also had the habit of taking the less experienced soldiers under his wing.   Hereford was willing to sacrifice himself for his brethen in arms as well as for those who can't protect themselves. Relying on his armor and shield he was the first in the breach to stop the enemy from breaking through or throwing himself at strong enemies to protect his allies.

Although being known to be easily approachable he never talked about his roots or past. He also avoided talking about religions although some might have seen a pendant of the Dawnfather around his wrist he keeps hidden in his gauntlet.       During the Goblinoid Invasion of 436 YoU he served side by side Bran Sparkhammer. Together they saved a village from goblin raiders as Hereford put himself on the line to protect civilians from wolf riders. Later he also followed Bran through the mountains being the first group of reinforcements from the Realm to establish contact with the defenders of Pjotrsdorv.   Hereford further disstinguished himself as part of the group hunting and killing the goblin warlod 'Little Bugga' as well as during the battle of 'Crushed Hope' leading the mercenary detachment. For his services against the invaders and after admitting that he was suposed to join the Paladin's of the Duskmother Lord Kjonstantin named him to his personal bodyguard and retinue.     He spent the next year on Kjonstantin's side as executioneer and protector until in 437 YoU Bran returned to the Far Lands. During this time Hereford was confronted by the newly arrived Inquisition. Members of the order of the Paladins of the Duskmother saw him as a deserter, but Kjonstantin made it clear that Hereford is in his service now and he would not accept any interference in this matter. As Bran offered to join the defenders of Laangstep Hereford asked to join him on the front lines.   Together they fought once again against hobgoblins in the streets and claiming the western lighthouse to enable the evacuation of civilians. They also found themselves admit the chaos in the streets of Laangstep as Qharnate cultists started sacrificing civilans that tried to reach the ships. As the towns defense crumbled during the events Bran and his companions pushed back hobgoblins, giants and cultists to buy time for those who could reach the ships.   At sea though the danger wasn't over yet as Reavers prepared a blockade. Fighting off a boarding party Hereford managed to push several raiders back into the sea by powerful blows of his shield. Battered and brusied and with a few ships lost the majority of the civilians were able to escape to Hundswacht.   In recognition for his efforts fighting demons and cultists he was awarded the 'Blade of the Executioneer' as a sign of reconciliation with the order and in an attempt to bridge the differences between the Inquisition and the Far Lands.     Bran's journey though wasn't over yet as he planned on looking for Lorasz Denerbek in Dhor Gob as well as establish contact with the orc tribes of Rofingurdaal's Reach. Once again Hereford volunteered to follow his friend on an expedition. Together with Laryssa van Bleuys and Vorak Grimblade they sailed to the eastern coast and up the river towards the old abandoned dwarfen dhor.   There they witnessed the expansion of the Hobgoblin Empire of the Iron Hand. Farms worked by hobgoblins and their human slaves spread around the old dwarfen city. After observing the situation for a day Bran and Vorak decided to sneak into the town under the mountain as Laryssa and Hereford would stay outside.   Spending several hours waiting the two on the outside grew more and more nervous, not knowing what their friends were facing. Once though Bran returned Hereford's mood soured faced with the news about Lorasz actually being a traitor. On top of that Bran decided to trust Lorasz to now work as a double agent. Hereford saw his duty in executing the betrayer, but was deferred from it by Bran's arguments and knowning that he could not reach the wizard. Still this was not an acceptable result longterm.   Their journey lead them on towards the eastern red mountains of Rofingurdaal's Reach where they encountered smaller orc villages. Contrary to their expectations those orcs accepted the hobgoblin rule as they didn't own enough to even draw the attention of the empire. Wandering further west they finally found traces of an orc recruitment party that was also looking for volunteers among the local orcs to fight the goblinoids. Following their traces Bran's group found the orcs making a last stand surrounded by hobgoblins, orges and wolfriders. Rushing to their aid the humans battled of their enemies facing for the first time a wyvern with its rider.   The saved orcs turned out to be members of Vorak's own tribe trying to bolster their numbers to join Jarrkhul in its war against the Iron Hand Empire. Their leader Barrat Pikeshatterer explained that strange orcs from Jarrkhul came to them looking for tribes willing to pick up the arms in resistence to their oprressors. They also offered all who prove worthy to join in a ritual that would make them much stronger. Hoping in finally having found allies for the war against the gobliniod threat Bran and his companions travelled with the orcs towards the meeting point where hundreds of orcs from the reach where gathering in preparation to join the Jarrkhul forces.   Arrving at the camp the human group immediately recognized the fiendish signs in the Jarrkhul orcs that called themselves Tanarukk. With a prayer to the Duskmother all possible doubts were erased as the truth was revealed to Hereford as Qharnate's demonic blood had corrupted those orcs into half-fiends. The tribes of Rofingurdaal's reach were out of options. The Iron Hand Empire was mustering forces to defeat the assembling tribes as Vorak and Bran were warning them about the consequences of joining with their brethen in Jarrkhul. Finally Bran and Hereford came up with the plan to settle the orcs in the Far Lands as they expected Lord Kjonstantin to gladly accept them to bolster the land depleated after the battles with their common foe.   Spending a day talking with various groups at the camp Laryssa, Vorak, Bran and Hereford raised an excitement for the proposition that the Tanarukk could not ignore. Both, humans and Tanarukk knew that the final decision would be swayed by a show of strength and while the humans gathered support from the assembled orc tribes for the move north the Tanarukk shaman and champion challenged Bran and his companions to a ritual fight of four vs four to death. The veterans of several battles against mortals and demonds accepted. Surprising everybody they easily over came the fiendish challengers displaying a level of confidence and strength that won over the last sceptics among the orcish tribes.   Bran and his friends lead the orcs north to Laangen where they knew the Hobgoblins had an habour and organised ships to evacuate the orcs to the Far Lands. Hereford and Bran then presented Lord Kjonstantin with the new settlers who he embraced with open arms as Hereford predicted. With the war lost and the Far Lands consolidating under the new situation Hereford reassumed his position at the lord's side.   Even though the Paladins of the Duskmother still harboured some resentment towards their former recruit his role at the court of Lord Kjonstantin put him out of reach. After fighting two years side by side with the people of the Far Lands Hereford also developed a deep feeling of loyality to the land and its population. He also was promoted the role of First Sword of the Far Lands representing lord Kjonstantin's authority.     In 442 YoU following the declaration of independence from lord Kjonstantin Hereford was at his lord's side as they escaped the arrest and Eversted.
Year of Birth
396 Y.o.U. 46 Years old

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