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Lorasz Denerbek

Lorasz Denerbek showed enough promise as a child to actuallybe sponsored to the a spot at the University in Eversted. He proved to be a bright mind with a special interest in the school of divination.

Coming from the common folk he places the people of the Realm above the realm itself. He dedicated his life to protecting them and thus gladly took the chance to join Vlad van Kjonstantin as the lord's court mage, embracing his role to support the lord. His most important task was to use his magic to communicate with the capital thus shortening the reponse times.

Lorasz is a very pragmatic person and known to be willing to listen to every side of an arguement before coming to a conclusion. He disrespects emmotional decisions and expects rather an approach that will bring a tangible benefit. Not interested in money or power, he just sees them as tools to serve his true purpose -to protect the people of the Realm.

In early 436 YoU his study in Hundsted was found trashed and blood splatters were found within, but no trace of the wizard. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen hooded figures that night around the lord's estate where the study was located. Even hunters with their mabari hounds couldn't find any clues where Lorasz could have gone. A couple of weeks later though the hobgoblins started an invasion, leading to claims by some that he had betrayed his home and joined the enemy, while others insisted on him being the first strategic victim of the war to cut communications between Eversted and Hundsted.

Throughout the first year Goblinoid Invasion of 436 YoU Lorasz kept reporting to his superior arch mage Porcia van Bulderbach maintaining the illusion that the war in the east was just a minor incursion. This was not known to the Far Lands until the reinforcements under Xaiver van Axxen reached lord Kjonstantin telling him that his mage was still alive and never mentioned the dire situation of the war.   In 438 YoU after the fall of Laangstep Bran Sparkhammer was tasked to find out what happened to the mage. Porcia van Bulderbach who visited Hundswacht in the months prior to that spent time every day trying to find her former pupil, but only once could she for a short time detect his presence in Dhor Gob. His reports had stopped in the meantime when it became obvious that his misinformation has been uncovered.   Bran reached Dhor Gob and sneaked into the city. After spending some time scouting the caves of the underground city he witnessed the human mage talking to some hobgoblin guards in a highly secured compund. The ranger managed to surpise the mage and overwhelm him before Lorasz could raise alarm. Offering no resitance Lorasz actually opened up and unvailed the truth of his disappearance and misinformation.   The mage discribed visions he had in 435 YoU of monsters taking over the world. He witnessed the destruction of the whole continent in those. Knowing that nobody would believe him and after the delusioning experiences with the Realm's inner politics and disregard for the needs of a common cause he was afraid that the Realm's army would never be raised in time to face the oncoming onslaught. At the same time he had experienced how more focused and united the hobgoblin empire appeared.   Pushed by despair to prepare the world for the monsters that were coming he made the difficult decision to help the Iron Hand Empire to conquer the Far Lands in a swift motion to preserve their forces. Servitude to the hobgoblins would still mean surving and maybe one day rebellion to freedom, instead of secure destruction at the hands of the monsters he envisoned. He reached out to hobgolins he had surviled for lord Kjonstantin and arranged for his own kidnapping.   The hobgoblins brought him to Dhor Gob where he was held under high suspicion and treated with a lot of mistrust. Mistrust that never really seized. Only getting as much information as he needed to be of use to the empire he at the same time provided them with insights about the plans for defense of the Far Lands. He scryed on Kjonstantin and his officers providing his allies with key advantages.   While he regretted the pain he caused as Bran confronted him and he willingly accepted any punishment he also warned Bran to not expect the Realm to come together to face a common enemy as they always failed to do so engulfed in internal intrigues and selfish needs of the noblemen leading it. Bran though had no intent to kill the mage and instead demanded from Lorasz to from now on to act as an double agent for the Realm. Lorasz agreed to it.   He also mentioned to Bran that he did not know who else in the Realm was collaborating with the Iron Hand Empire as the ships used for the goblin and bugbear raiding parties were offered by someone within the Realm, but he was not at all involved into it.   Left on his own Lorasz continued his service to the hobgoblins though his own use was now limited after the fall of Laangstep. But the fall also brought a new enemy that the hobgoblins hadn't faced before, but that matched Lorasz visions - demons. He also shared the information about the war party lead by the Butcher of Laangstep with Bran as it was moving south west through Rofingurdaal's Reach for an unknown target.
392 Y.o.U. 436 Y.o.U. 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Missing, suposed dead.

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