Amber Evercrown Organization in Yarns of Doverynn | World Anvil
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Amber Evercrown

The Amber Evercrown   ○ United under the banner of an immortally reborn god-king, the Amber Evercrown occupies much of the northern sixth of the continent. ○ They have a bitter hatred of with the Expanse, more than a little justified. (save this) ○ This kingdom's armies a mixture of fanatics and undead. Their skyship fleets and general technomantic level is lower than other kingdoms but death is a comfortable companion to these people

Demography and Population

Approximately 1,500,000 citizens (Sentient/Mostly Sentient)
  • About 1,000,000 in Urban Populations
  • Another 3,000,000 undead of non-sentient or under-intelligent status


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